Monday, May 28, 2012

Caramel's Ballet Recital

Caramel's Sleeping Beauty Ballet Recital just happened. The theme was Sleeping Beauty. Her class was the first to perform. They were the Lilac Fairies. She is the second fairy to be woken. She did a great job just like last year, nice straight arms. There is always confusion in the middle, both years Caramel has been near the end of the line. Big complaint was that it was very short, a lot shorter than last year when she was in the youngest age group. All the dances were short this year.

Caramel claims this is her last year of ballet. She hates how I had to do her hair and wear a scratchy itchy costume. We will see if she changes her mind when it comes time to sign up next year. I like her to continue dancing maybe tap or something else if she says no to ballet.

Behind the Scene
Just before drop off back stage
Cookies afterwards where she hid behind me from grandparent overload.

Entertaining Caramel

Caramel is a very lively 5 year old. Lately anytime the sun is out means -swimsuit weather. Our small purple pool is perfect for lounging in. Adding an ice cream treat is ideal. The taller green bucket, Caramel has used to sneak up on the sprinkler. She looks like a turtle- moving slowly and peeking her head out once in awhile. Caramel has a lot of equipment outside. When she roller skates, she needs her umbrella for balancing help and gloves in case she find a slimy slug she wants to pick up.

Sometimes Caramel will be in the photo session mood. Doing several different poses with different expressions and hand poses as well. She worked the tricycle with pointing fingers and a lifted leg. She modeled her preschool crafted spring bonnet with expertise. And of course there is always the bubble hat she loves to make. Beard and mustache are even more fun but not photographed here.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Anthony's B-day Hunt

Anthony had to go on a present hunt.
Luckily Caramel had a map and gave great instructions.
Look under the chair.

Look under the ottoman.
Surprise visit from Daddo.
Open the door.

Happy 30th!

Trip to Seward Park

Super fun park with lots to do. Caramel and Rhett loved exploring. Didn't get to walk far on the paved path that went around the whole park. I brought Caramel's bike but she has been very anti-bike ever since I took off the training wheels on the smaller bike to get her to ride her bigger bike.
All smiles!
Swinging time!
Caramel first saw this and said she didn't want to go on it.
Then after playing for awhile she wanted to get in line.
First time she didn't want a push down, but second time she was confident.
Then Rhett needed a turn.
Great view of Mt Rainier

Caramel's collection

Rhett in his Snack Attack shirt

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hair and Elbow

Rhett sports a new spiked hair look. Grandma Brenda is his official hair dresser. So he talks about his hair now and tells you how Grandma did his hair or to look at it.

Rhett is taking his new monster truck for a walk in the backyard before church. New white pants from cousin Nixon luckily stayed white for church.

Rhett actually received this monster truck after going to the doctor to check on his arm. Caramel and him were playing around then suddenly Rhett was crying and not using his right arm. In the morning he was still acting one handed, so Anthony took him to the doctor to get it checked out. Turns out his elbow had been dislocated but relocated it's self and was a little sore from it- Nursemaid's elbow. By the time he was home he was using both arms fine.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Anthony's Project

Anthony recently bought a Miata. I think this brings the total to 5 Miatas he has bought in his lifetime. Luckily only one is a permanent resident- a white 1991 he has had since I met him.

He plans to fix this new purchase a little, take off and sell some parts, and then sell the whole car. Hopefully it will be a quick project.

Pregnant Pictures

Here are some lovely pregnancy pictures one morning before church. Don't like posing for them but feel bad when I have no pregnancy pictures.

Last stranger that talked to me said I was having a boy and was a month away. That would be great. Hope she is right, 3 weeks early won't be bad!

Rhett looks cute in on this one :)

Hooary for Bark!

I finally got bark to put down in the front yard. We got one yard and I was able to bark the front yard and the strip of trees in the back yard. It was a lot of bark! The main reason was for the little triangle spot to the left of the drive way. It used to be grass but because of weeds taking over we took out the grass and planted a pink flowering plum tree and 3 azaleas. I added fabric under the bark and the wood divider to help stop weeds and separate the grass and bark sections. It was hard work for me, defiantly took naps on those day. Took about a week and a half to complete. There is hedgehog guarding the front door.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rhett and the Care Bear Bat

One sunny afternoon, Caramel set up a cycling loop for her to ride around. She likes to move all the outdoor toys to the middle of the covered area and ride around in a circle.
Rhett noticed the circling target and got out the bat. Don't worry- it is a soft loving Care Bear bat.
Then he started chasing her with the bat as she rode around. It was hilarious. Caramel and Rhett were both laughing about the newly created game.

By the time I got out the camera Rhett had figured out it is much easier to stay in one spot and start swinging when the target gets closer. What a smart little guy.

It is so fun and irritating to see Caramel and Rhett interact as they play nicely together and as they yell and hit at each other.

Good thing Rhett has a big sister to start batting practice early on. Hand and eye coordination with be a skill his sister taught him.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Seahurst Park

First sunny day at non-neighborhood park. We traveled to Seahurst Park in Burien. It was sunny but windy as expected. I love the logs at this park, it is so fun to climb around them and explore the water passing through in different areas. The young boys enjoyed running at the birds and everyone enjoyed throwing rocks. Caramel came home with a collection of shells. There is a trail we have never explored, would like to travel down that and see more.

Headed for water
 Watching the rocks land
Last stop the play area.

We also visited Maplewood Park on Maple Valley Highway, not too far from home. This is where Caramel will have her T-ball practices- I explained alittle about the game to Caramel since her knowledge of baseball is limited. I had never been to the park before. It is a nice close park to visit with a cute smaller baseball field for 10 and younger. Would be fun to play kick ball at with a couple families. Rhett enjoyed seeing the highway while playing, lots of big trucks. We'll have to go there more often. Sorry, no picture.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Caramel and her pets

Caramel loves to collect pets outside. Rhett even let her use his dump truck to collect them. I really don't know what they are, but they are everywhere. Normally she collects worms but these are a spring treat, I guess. She loves making habitats for them.
Don't worry she has to scrub her hands after being outside.
She is one crazy girl!