Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rhett Soccering

 Rhett started soccer for the fall season. He has a friend on the team and his mother is the coach. The team name is Blue Ghosts. Rhett didn't know too much about soccer, but he is enjoying it. He calls it soccering. Rhett enjoys running around, just needs to learn to keep trying to kick the ball even with all the other kids.
On Labor day he was running down the drive way kicking a ball. He stepped on the ball and fell on his face. It didn't look bad at first. He was screaming for a long time, I thought maybe he broke his nose. After a couple hours all the redness showed up then the scabbing came. Everyone he saw commented about it. After soccer he drew the best self-portrait, he was playing soccer and included all his scabs on his nose.

Ice Caves

 Drove up to the Ice Caves with two other families with kids of similar ages.
Saw this alligator eating tree and got the older kids to stand in it.
It was way faster this year with the excitement of other kids with us hiking up.
Myles enjoyed the backpack ride.
Got some good pictures by bouncing him in the backpack. 
Anthony with the two other dads.
Family photo next to the caves.
Caramel is helping Myles smile making him not smile.
The outside of the caves were dirty looking this year.
And inside them it was raining (melting).
We had a hot summer this year.
Fun picture of all the little waterfalls coming down.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Grade- First Day- Caramel

Caramel has started 1st grade; another year at Tiffany Park Elementary. School is all day long! Early 8:30am to 3:10pm, that means lunch at school everyday. She had a good first week, only complained about going a little in the morning. If Caramel's hair magically didn't have tangles everywhere, life would be a dream or at least mornings. I tried to add a bow in her hair but it was strongly rejected.

Details about school included- not enough time to eat lunch because the 3rd graders were coming. I can picture Caramel not eating because she wants to talk, arriving home she eats the rest of her lunch and wants a sandwich. Her class does have the shortest eating time. Another detail- a friend had to sit in the Time Out chair because he was standing on his chair. Then she added with an even bigger grin she had to as well. Finally she corrected her story and said she didn't go to Time Out at all.

Caramel has also told me that she is the leader of her table group, she has a triangle on her name tag that symbolize her power and authority. When I asked if they take turns, she said no, only her. Interesting....can't wait to ask the teacher.  When I asked specifically about her teacher, Ms. Leek, Caramel told me she just sits in her chair with her feet up relaxing. It hard to trust any story that comes out of Caramel's mouth.

We have walked to school this year probably more than last year already. Myles is still adjusting to picking up Caramel at school.- trying to figure out the best napping schedule for him. Rhett has enjoyed playing with friends, hasn't felt too lonely with Caramel gone.

Last Days of Summer

Ready for Action
Tonka wash
Collecting water
So much fun!

Presents from Capitola

Myles got his first big stuffed animal from Anthony playing the crane games. A snuggly penguin, he enjoyed hugging and cuddling with. The kids thought it was fair Myles got to keep the penguin. Love his facial expressions in the pictures.
The kids got gift bags with a toy phone and taffy. The kids loved their phones. The phone has a fun game of trying to get the circles around the pole. Everyone played it trying to get all the circles on. There were also fake phone calls to people using the phones.

Rhett concentrating on his gaming skills.
Caramel thinking it is an actual phone which she requests every so often.
Myles seeing if it tastes good.
Myles wondering what is going on.
Oh, smile for the picture.