Monday, May 19, 2014

Mother's Day Talk

I was suppose to speak in church on Mother's Day, but I got sick Friday night and Saturday before Mother's Day. Feels like I have been sick too many times lately. I don't enjoy speaking in front of an audience, but I did take the time to write my talk. So here is one part I liked and was going to end my talk with.

The greatest give we can give our Heavenly Father is our will. In a talk entitled Women of Righteousness by By Elder M. Russell Ballard

The Savior’s Example

I have been drawn to an interchange between God the Father and His eldest and Only Begotten Son, who is the ultimate example of living up to one’s premortal promises. When God asked who would come to earth to prepare a way for all mankind to be saved and strengthened and blessed, it was Jesus Christ who said, simply, “Here am I, send me” (Abr. 3:27).

Just as the Savior stepped forward to fulfill His divine responsibilities, we have the challenge and responsibility to do likewise. If you are wondering if you make a difference to the Lord, imagine the impact when you make commitments such as the following:

“Father, if You need a woman to rear children in righteousness, here am I, send me.”

“If You need a woman who will shun vulgarity and dress modestly and speak with dignity and show the world how joyous it is to keep the commandments, here am I, send me.”

“If You need a woman who can resist the alluring temptations of the world by keeping her eyes fixed on eternity, here am I, send me.”

“If You need a woman of faithful steadiness, here am I, send me.”

Between now and the day the Lord comes again, He needs women in every family, in every ward, in every community, in every nation who will step forward in righteousness and say by their words and their actions, “Here am I, send me.”

My question is, “Will you be one of those women? And will you men who hold the priesthood answer the same call?”

Camellia's Blessing Day

Camellia Kranz was blessed on May 4th by her father Anthony Bennett Kranz.
Love our sweet little girl that gets chubbier and chubbier.

Family Walk

Taking a family walk, the first time I used my new stroller with Camellia in the car seat up top and Myles below. Myles got a box of goldfish crackers, love his facial expression. Rhett had so much energy he would run ahead and do push-ups, it was rather hilarious.

Window View

The new house has these great back windows to enjoy the morning sun. There are red rhododendrons that have surprisingly attracted hummingbirds. Always fun to watch for hummingbirds.  
Here is Myles tempting Camellia with an apple- silly boy.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Coal Creek Hike or short walk

One sunny afternoon we went to the Coal Creek trail. I really wanted to see how Myles would do on a trail, but not by myself. So I dragged Anthony with the kids to a close trail. We did this short loop that had small bridges and some steep parts, it was perfect for the kids. Caramel and Rhett had a fun time. I had Camellia in the front carrier. Myles enjoyed walking, but when it came to the river and rock throwing there was no leaving. And of course he wanted to walk right into the river. Anthony had to pick him up kicking and crying finally to carrying on. It was nice to get out into nature, lots of other people out doing the full hike.