Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Rhett's Birthday

Rhett turned the big 5, a whole hand. He was very concerned about the agenda for his birthday. He really wanted birthday hats and balloons. Rhett went to Monster Jam with some friends and had cupcakes at the restaurant. Then the night before his birthday an old neighbor friend surprised him with a sleepover. Caramel benefitted with the older sister staying too. They had fun sleeping upstairs on the lower bunks. They played Minecraft and Just Dance and watched a movie.
Rhett requested Transformer cake. I added some Oreos because everything is better with Oreos. Rhett got new Ninja Turtles bike, Lego books, new shirt, monster trucks and track, airplane folding book, Rock Em Sock Em Robots game, and gift cards (bought Legos). He loves his new big bike just needs a kickstand.

At preschool Rhett had brownie cupcakes. He got a Vege Tales book and a sweet crown. At church he got a sweet crown too. Rhett was nice and shared the birthday crowns with Myles.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Monster Jam

This was Anthony's and the kids 3rd annual Monster Jam. This turned out to be a busy weekend. Before Monster Jam, Anthony helped start a Scout sleepover at our house. Not sure how many young men were here since I tried to stay out of the way, between 11 and 15 I think. It was a planning activity, scheduling out the year activities with games and food breaks. Anthony serves in the Young Men's organization at our church. Then Caramel and Rhett headed out with Anthony for Monster Jam. They went with two other families. I took Myles and Camellia to a friends house to let the Scouts do their thing. Nice to have a calmer evening with the younger kids not with all the Scouts.
Monster Jam wasn't as good as passed years. The fire breathing, car eating, dinosaur looking machine wasn't there sadly. Not very many cool moves or crashes.
This was Rhett's birthday weekend. Two of his friends went with him to Monster Jam. Rhett was privileged to pick out an item at Monster Jam, he selected a blanket with monster trucks on it.
So Myles didn't go to Monster Jam. It was hard to decide. Monster Jam didn't start until 7pm and is in Tacoma. Not knowing how Myles would take the late night and noise he stayed with me. He loves to be loud and play with monster trucks. He loves to setup all the monster trucks and not share.

Fun Pictures

Myles loves this hat and I love it on him.
Cute Camellia and her funny looks.
Giving the, "seriously, what are you doing face."
Myles and Camellia waiting for Daddy to come and home and rescue them from older siblings.
Caramel's robot friend. She hung around for about a week and enjoyed following Caramel around the house. There were other robot friends made by Caramel and Rhett that didn't last long. Apparently, robot friends appear after Christmas when garbage day lands on Christmas and New Year's Day and recycle is overflowing in the house.
Myles' gorilla from Santa which is also a bed where the boys can be found frequently.
Two little teeth on the bottom, she is going to get you with.
Oh man, just joking, got you again.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Myles and his "botorcycle"

Myles got lots of different types of motorcycles. This balance one is the biggest one he got. When I was putting it together he was so excited. He had the handlebars part and was running around the house. Myles can ride it on his tippy toes. After his first spin around the house he had to rest on the couch with the motorcycle. Myles also enjoys having Rhett ride it and Myles push.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy 2015

We had some families over for a 9pm celebration. Started out with some games inside then treats and fireworks outside.

Surprised nobody got burned with chaos of sparklers.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas at Grammy's

Went to Grammy's for Christmas dinner where we saw Aunt Andrea, Uncle Time and Flynn.
Lots of presents!
Not to many pictures were taken.
One of me and fun socks!
Rhett very proud of his new watch.
Boys at the tree with their red suspenders. Myles motorcycle (or Botercycle) in the mouth.
Caramel and Daddy
Rhett and Camellia playing with some new toys.
I took Camellia and Myles home after a late dinner.
Caramel and Rhett ended up having a sleepover at Grammy's.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas Eve Dinner

Christmas Eve dinner at our house with Grandpa Dan and Great Grandma Miller. Kids loved the ham and Jello, that was about it and of course the cake dessert.
Camellia having a good time.
Camellia got her stocking from GM. Super cute with the fun picture. Now all the kids have one. Thanks GM.

Early Christmas with Grandpa Neil

Grandpa Neil came up for a couple days. We enjoyed a walk and bike riding, present opening of course, and dinner at Rainforest Café with fun balloons.
Fun picture of Camellia in her cute outfit from Grandpa.
Looks like she is riding the roller coaster, kids had a good laugh.
Two enjoying the ride to the Rainforest Café.
Feeding the alligator.
Myles falling off the bed like the balloon monkey.
Caramel's glamorous nails from Grandpa.
Painting a bird house from Grandpa.


Caramel loves the fact that she is the strongest of the kids.
Here is reindeer Caramel giving Rhett a ride. If Myles sees anyone getting a ride he will demand justice and want a back ride immediately.
Myles is like a ninja.....not really he is actually very clumsy, but has not had a huge bruise in awhile.
Myles loves this white hat. My grandma Ida Mae made it.