Rhett turned the big 5, a whole hand. He was very concerned about the agenda for his birthday. He really wanted birthday hats and balloons. Rhett went to Monster Jam with some friends and had cupcakes at the restaurant. Then the night before his birthday an old neighbor friend surprised him with a sleepover. Caramel benefitted with the older sister staying too. They had fun sleeping upstairs on the lower bunks. They played Minecraft and Just Dance and watched a movie.
Rhett requested Transformer cake. I added some Oreos because everything is better with Oreos. Rhett got new Ninja Turtles bike, Lego books, new shirt, monster trucks and track, airplane folding book, Rock Em Sock Em Robots game, and gift cards (bought Legos). He loves his new big bike just needs a kickstand.At preschool Rhett had brownie cupcakes. He got a Vege Tales book and a sweet crown. At church he got a sweet crown too. Rhett was nice and shared the birthday crowns with Myles.