Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Backyard Work

Horrible terrible no good wisteria roots.
Slide in on the tree house

Motorcycle Boys

Camellia before Church

Zoo Field Trip

Caramel's second grade class went to the Woodland Park zoo. There was lots of traffic on the way up to Seattle from Renton that Friday. Man being on a bus with seconders can make you want ear plugs. Once we got to the zoo Caramel's group with 3 other girls basically ran through the zoo. Little short stops were made to glance at animals. Caramel's rainforest animal was the jaguar. We saw the jaguar habitat. It was a perfect sunny day. The girls loved playing in the Zoomazium.


Orange Tigers

Rhett's third soccer season.
He made several goals this season.
Enjoyed his teammates.
Loved drinking Gatorade after games.
Learned a lot about passing and being a team.

Little Things They Do

Caramel is still crafty. Loves to collect recyclables to create crafts. She enjoys Legos with Rhett. Loves to pick all the raspberries in the garden, claiming all of them. She is learning piano from a friend which is fun to do with her. Often she disappears for awhile, reappearing with makeup. Orange eye shadow everywhere especially the eyebrows is a favorite.

Rhett is still T-shirt and shorts boy. So much that 2 of his shorts ripped from wear. Enjoys soccer and making courses in the backyard to dribble through. Rhett loves squeeze hugs and being praised. Rhett likes to say how chubby Camellia is and hug her until she is screaming away. Survives on granola bars.

"Ya'll dumb" is how Myles says, "all done." "Samorrow," means tomorrow which is a wonderful concept Myles has learned when we are not doing what he wants right then. Myles loves to touch his ears, mainly the top and suck his tongue on the roof of his mouth, this is called "sucky face." (It was given that name when my older sister use to do it all the time.) Doing both of these things means he is relaxing. He loves his motorcycle balance bike, loves to wash it and hit it with sticks which are his tools and he is fixing it.

Camellia can say water and bubbles, Rhett taught her this in the tub. She can say Rhett and Myles too. Camellia loves to make a low m sound over and over again when she is concentrating. Still loves to suck her thumb only in bed. Loves to climb especially on the kitchen table and clear it off. Loves the garbage can under the sink in the kitchen, she throws lots of "trash" away including sippy cups. She takes pop cans out of the recycle for some sensor sticky floor.