Friday, November 27, 2015

My 1st Thanksgiving turkey

I was excited to cook my first turkey.
Grammy Pam helped me keep the turkey nice and buttered.
Anthony took the kids to visit GM while we watched the turkey.
All the food turned out great.
Nice holiday with Grammy Pam and Grandpa Dan to shared dinner with.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sibling Service

Love it when the older kids can help with the younger ones. Caramel helping take care of Camellia.
Myles is so proud when he wrecks the couch making his domain.
Caramel and Rhett often get the task of bringing the couch back to normal.

Costumes and Halloween Night

Costume picture before school on Friday. Caramel decided to go skeleton style (this is her signature costume- skeleton) and Rhett stayed with the ninja. I attended Rhett's class Halloween party in the afternoon. I was in charge of the leaf magnet station. They also did cookie frosting, fishing for prizes, and bean bag games. To end the party, they enjoyed their cookies with fruit and apple juice. 
Here is Caramel and Camellia Halloween day, the decided to be skeletons together.
Getting out all the costumes there was lots of changes in costume decision. I was excited to find Caramel's dance recital costumes. Camellia was totally willing to try this one on. She was loving the photo shoot. Later she would not put the dress on for an audience which was interesting. 
Myles, during the Halloween season, enjoyed pretending to be like Frankenstein. Such a funny little boy putting Q-tips in his ears and Camellia tried to follow this example.
On Halloween night, we went to a friends house for dinner and trick or treating. The kids had mummy hot dogs and adults enchiladas. When trick or treating time came it was pouring rain. Camellia stayed home with other moms. Anthony went fast with the older kids, skeleton Caramel and Mario Rhett. I went slow with Myles. Myles refused to put any costume on, so he just wore his coat that has a dinosaur as the hood. Myles and I did maybe 12 houses. He really got into it and talked me into more houses. Everyone was soaked when we regrouped.
When we got home Anthony, Caramel, and Rhett trick or treated on our street, the rain had stopped. Myles and Camellia were distracted with Yo Gabba Gabba and bedtime.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


It is my turn to teach Joyschool for Myles and his classmates. My theme is Community and Safety. First class we talked about the letter I and number 9. For the theme we focused on crosswalk and sidewalk safety and schools. They enjoyed taking turns being the crossing guard.
The next class was letter J and number 10 with the hospital and helmet safety. These kids were great, we went on an imaginary bike ride area the community. They sat on the couch, pretending to petal fast and slow up and down hills. We were extra careful, so we wouldn't have to go to the hospital or ride in an ambulance. It was very entertaining for me so cute.  

School Pictures

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Family Photos



The kids and I went to my dad's ward Halloween party. It was a chili cook off which my dad won first prize. There were activities for the kids too. Last there was truck or treating in the parking lot. This was the only night we were all Ninjago black ninjas.
Double trouble brother.
Camera girl Caramel helping out.

Carved Pumpkins