Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sink Fun

We are washing feet from being outside in these pictures.
Myles and Camellia are just loving the fact that we are doing this in the kitchen sink.
I have a baby gate.
The only reason, only time I use it is to block off the kitchen.
Myles and Camellia both love to drag chairs into the kitchen.
Makes a horrible sound, dragging the chair.
They do this to turn on the sink and wash dishes and get water everywhere.
They do this to reach for food in the refrigerator and beg for something yummy.
They do this to reach high cabinets were candy is placed occasionally.
"Nobody in the kitchen."
The gate is up.


Caramel loves noodles. She was so excited to bring home these noodles from Grammy's house.
Shoot hooray, we are having noodles today.
Big smiles.

Couch Time

Beach Buddies

Myles and Camellia experienced the beach a couple times before the elementary school year finished. They even scored a special lunch at Kidd Valley at Gene Coulon one afternoon. Little buddies, love it.

Rhett Red Aliens


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Memorial Weekend

The kids, Grandpa Dan, Grammy Pam, and I went on a hike in Newcastle next to Grandpa Dan's house. We have visited Coal Creek Trails before but went on a new trail this time. It was a good length and difficulty level for the kids. The last trail we explored had lots of salmon berries which the kids kept picking.

Myles loved the camera and requested pictures of him when we crossed bridges. Camellia hiked a little but enjoyed the backpack ride as well.

We also had lots of crashes this week. First Myles crashed his bike and received head, shoulder, elbow, and knee bruises or scratches. Then Camellia fell off the trampoline steps and received head scratches. Rhett fell at the park and received a elbow scratch and then fell off the trampoline at Grandpa Dan's house and received a big cut on his chin. Caramel was the only safe one. We have all had a horrible cough too and Caramel had an ear infection.

Anthony got to go on his first motorcycle ride with his two friends around the Duvall area. He has had is motorcycle endorsement for couples months and has purchased 3 motorcycles. He enjoys riding to work when possible.
The flags were out and so was the sun.
Beautiful day to visit the Street of Heros and Grandpa Miller.