Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tag Zone Birthday Party

Rhett attended a birthday party for his friend Tyler.
It was a pretty intense place, Tag Zone.
Only the tough survive.
Rhett had tons of fun.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Ward Campout

If there was one thing I wanted to do this summer it was float down the river. When the ward camp out was scheduled at Royal Arches Park, floating down the river was my main objective. And look Caramel got to do it and had a ton of fun.

Ward Campout

If there was one thing I wanted to do this summer it was float down the river. When the ward camp out was scheduled at Royal Arches Park, floating down the river was my main objective. And look Caramel got to do it and had a ton of fun.

Aladdin Drama Camp

Caramel was in a Drama Camp at Kentridge Elementary- Aladdin.
She had a lot of fun and was excited about the performance when it happened.
She was a towns person with couple songs to sing with a group.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

12th Anniversary

Anthony and I drove up to Crystal mountain to ride the gondola and see the view.
It was a fun trip with the perfect weather.
Very educational.
Anthony drove his little car up to the mountains.

Visiting GM

GM or Great Grandma Wanda Miller had to be hospitalized for a while. Anthony visited her a couple times. And finally the whole family got to visit her. The kids were very interested in the hospital and curious about everything. 
Myles got a little too comfortable in GM very expensive bed.
Once outside again, the kids were happy to run around.
The kids visited with Grammy Pam and Aunt Charity too. We also saw Andrea and family for a couple of minutes and Uncle Bob.

Rain Down Pour

They kids were playing outside on the trampoline and this down pour of rain started. They played for a while then finally came in dripping water everywhere. We listened to the rain and watched from inside. They collected rain boots and umbrellas and headed to the trampoline again. After drying them off for the second time, Anthony came home and wanted to show the kids a huge puddle that accumulated a few houses down. They played in the huge puddle jumping around. When we headed home, Myles and Camellia were so upset we had to leave the puddle. On our way out to run errands, we saw a firetruck and firefighters helping to drain the water.

Myles turns 4!!

Myles is 4 years old now. He was very excited to finally have his birthday. It has be rough watching siblings and friends have their birthday parties. Myles (well actually Rhett) has a Stromtrooper mask that he loves wearing around the house while holding a nerf gun. So I went with a Stromtrooper Star Wars theme. While the guest were arriving, we had the Imperial March playing. When Myles first heard it he got his mask and gun and starting marching around the house.

Caramel was in charge of the party games. They played a Star Wars memory game, stick the head on the Stromtrooper, hit the balloons with a Lightsaber, chart your fruit snack Star Wars characters, and find the hidden Darth Vader. I outlined a Stromtrooper mask on his cake. For lunch they had Star Wars shaped macaroni and cheese, apples, and Star Wars characters crackers.

Temple Square Church History Building

We did make it up to Temple Square one night. The kids had a fun ride up carpooling with cousins. We walked a little and explored the Church History Building. There was one section in the Church History Building where the kids could explore and play a little. Then we went to the mall for food and play area. It was a quick stop and busy with all the cousins.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Staying at the Mauerman's

Camellia and Myles felt a little too at home. Camellia redecorated the stools in the kitchen. Myles was wearing his normal home outfit- just underwear.
Rhett and Nixon being silly after church.
After Nixon's baptism, there was a luncheon at the park. It was a super fun park with this sweet climbing pyramid structure. Lots of food too! 
It was pretty hot, especially for my kids. I stayed in the shaded picnic area as much as possible.
Of course the small kids wanted to do what the big kids were doing. Camellia trying to climb the web of ropes was unsuccessful. Danny's family was there too and we got to meet their new dog, Blake. The kids wanted to play with him, but they would get a little scared at times.

The Mauermans live right next to the neighborhood pool. It is the perfect pool with a beach like entry. Myles and Camellia loved it and were very comfortable in the water. Caramel and Rhett enjoyed the deeper end practicing their swimming skills.

Staying at the Bratsman's

Grandma Brenda and most of the cousins.
Rhett enjoyed playing video games with Bentley and Nixon.
No sleeping soon with these too.
All set up for bed.
We played at the local pond. Bentley and Rhett were so proud of all the fish they caught.
They caught 7 with a little fish net from Walmart and the girls caught 3.
We also played at a little splash pad to cool off.