Friday, December 29, 2017

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Story Time

We read some stories that each kid picked out. After Christmas we all got sick first Anthony, then me, then Camellia, then Rhett, then Myles, then Caramel. It was fevers, ear infections, and coughing.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

New Toys

One family gift was a air fort, you attach a fan and the tent stays up with the air. The kids enjoyed setting up their blankets and pillows in it.
Myles got lots of tiny army men and enjoyed setting them up in the boys room.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Sledding

After presents and breakfast we when sledding in the street. Your neighbors were sledding too.
The girls and I walked to the park and checked out the snow at Allen park.

Christmas Crepes

Caramel made us Christmas morning breakfast. We tried crepes this year. Very yummy with nutella, strawberries and whip cream.

Christmas Eve and Morning

We had dinner at Grammy's house. After dinner we changed into pajamas and when we were leaving there was snow. There was still snow in the morning. Santa gave us a sled which worked out perfectly with the snow.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Santa Visit

No crying, but Caramel and Rhett look like they are being squished. We went to the Factoria Mall Santa near Grandpa Dan. Caramel and Camellia had matching dresses and Rhett and Myles had matching ties.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Last Meeting for 2017

I had a Board meeting at my house and passed out some candle gifts to give to volunteers or staff members. It has been fun volunteering for the PTSA and being involved in different committees. Working with others makes it fun!

Flute Winter Concert

Caramel had her first concert playing the flute at school. The flute was clearly the popular instrument. Lots of her friends playing it. Caramel took piano for a little from a neighbor last year, she didn't last. She did enjoy the recorder at school in 4th grade. Caramel rarely practices the flute at home. It was cute to hear them all play, there were 4 groups - 5th grade band, 5th grade orchestra, 6th grade band, and 6th grade orchestra. There were a couple of solos and duets that were very well done.  

Monday, December 4, 2017

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Myles Bowling

I got to take Myles to a bowling birthday party. All the boys from his preschool class were there. That was the first time Myles bowled. They had the bumper up and a ramp you could use. He had fun, but wanted pizza as soon as he saw other at the alley eating. It was nice to see him interact with other boys.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Festival of the Nativities

 Probably my favorite Christmas tradition is going to the Festival of the Nativities. There is one in Maple Valley and one in Bellevue. This is the Bellevue one. We saw some friends which is always fun. I think there were 4 different scavenger hunts. They kids enjoy holding little clip boards and pencils. There was a walk through the Saviors life including the empty tomb. They had a bigger kids nativity section this year.

Rhett's favorite was the Minecraft nativity.

Winterfest at the Middle School

We went to Winterfest at the local Middle School. The leadership class puts the event on for Kindergartens to 3rd graders. They had fun stations located around the gym and lunchroom. One half of the gym was a snowball fight area, the kids and dad enjoyed running around. The school's mascot a jaguar was there and got attached with snowballs lot. Myles and Camellia didn't like the mascot but loved throwing snowballs at it like all the other little kids.

Caramel and Camellia got their faces painted. Rhett wear his Heelys and loved skating around.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Rain and Bikes

 Thanksgiving weekend we explored the Soos Creek Trail a few times. Once was walking with a new family we met at church. Another time on bikes with another family. And once with the just by ourselves.
 The boys found a whirlpool.

 The last time we went, we were a little smarter wearing boots so they could enjoy the huge puddles.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Smarty Pants the Owl

 Myles finally got to take home Smarty Pants the Owl. This owl gets to visit all the students' houses over the weekend. Myles got Smarty Pants over Thanksgiving weekend. He sat with us at the table. Myles loved taking picture with him and showing Smarty is tent and room.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Dinosaur Eggs

Anthony went to South Dakota for he annual hunting trip with his dad and uncle. Grandpa bought the kids some dinosaur eggs. You put the eggs in water then the grow and break through the egg. The kids enjoyed seeing the change.