Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Myles Tanks and Army Men

Myles loves to set up toys. He set up his army men and candy at Grandpa Dan's house. Sometimes he will lay out a blanket on his bedroom floor and then place large boat and cars toys then place army men, animals, and blocks on the boats and cars. This can take up all the floor in the boys room and sometimes his bed. He never wants to clean it up his sweet creation.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Pokemon Cards

Pokémon cards have been very popular in the house. I feel like we have a million of them. Caramel and Rhett have binders for them. Even Myles as some cards now. Caramel likes to draw her own cards, some are real Pokémon, some she makes up.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Lunchtime at Fairwood Elementary

Took some pictures of the PTSA yearbook committee during lunchtime, Valentine's parties, and PE. Rhett has two friends he loves to play Pokémon with at recess and eat lunch with.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Camellia's Little Spot

This is my desk that is next to the kitchen and couch by the fire. This desk holds whatever important paper/projects the kids or I am working on. It sometimes holds important people too!

Snow! 3 Days of No School

No school for three days. It would have been a better experience if Myles and Camellia weren't sick. I would have loved to play in the snow more. Sunday night when the snow started we made a snowman and I ran the kids around in the sled around the street. The kids also made a snowman with a celery nose and brussel sprout eyes. Camellia was the only one sick at time and was only outside for a bit. We had a fire to in the front room to warm up with.

In the morning there was lots of snow around 8 inches. I took all the kids to the park which wasn't the best idea for the younger too. Camellia wanted to be held the whole time and Myles pulled on the sled which was hard task by myself. Caramel did pull Myles for a little which was nice. At the park Myles and Camellia just want to go home. Camellia still didn't feel good and Myles was upset that the playground toys were difficult to play on. Caramel and Rhett were having an awesome time though. They built a snow wall like some other boys at the park were doing. I took the younger to home and the older two played at the park for awhile longer seeing some other friends too.

The next snow day Myles got sick. Caramel and Rhett did go to the park to meet up with some friends for an hour or so. Lots of laundry. I took apart the boys bunk beds and pushed in the trundle on the girls bed. Then switched all the mattresses.

The last snow day Caramel want to make a Togepi, so we sewed one that turned out way better then I thought it would. We watched Peter Pan and I made the kids write a review. I also made calzones which Caramel has requested me to make every now and then but I haven't made in a long time.

Rhett's Review of Peter Pan- "Peter lost his shadow. He found a girl. He fought Captain Hook. He got the pirate ship. I love the movie. It was fun. I like Peter Pan."

Caramel's Review of Peter Pan- "Peter Pan the movie was a discovery movie and there was one girl and two boys. The movie Peter Pan was okay. It was about fighting and drama. I am all about drama. Peter Pan lost his shadow at Wendy's house. I did not like it because, it was for kids, it is boring, it is weird.(:"

Then Caramel googled Peter Pan and found two quotes she added. "Once you're grown up, you can't come back." "Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting."

The snow is finally melting with the rain.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Mohawk and Colored Hair

Rhett let Anthony give him a Mohawk. Rhett was hesitant but enjoyed it. He only let me spike it with gel once. Next hair cut he got it all shaved off.

Caramel bought some hair chalk. It ended up being messy. It would slowly rub off on her neck and clothes. Not so great.

Friend's Birthday

Myles and Camellia went to our neighbor's birthday party at Renton Community Center. It was Dr. Suess themed with a fun Cat and the Hat decorations. They enjoyed a bouncy house and throwing balls around. Caramel decided to come too and watch all the 2-4 year olds run around.