Monday, July 31, 2017

Myles 5th Birthday

We celebrated Myles turning 5th at Rolling Hills Pool. We invited a couples families with 5 year olds that we know. Myles loves the water. He does get paranoid about how deep the water is at times.
Caramel and Camellia on the steps. They love to wear goggles.

Myles likes to pretend he is fishing with pool noodles. 

Kiddie pool fun!

Myles got a fun egg that dissolves and has a toy inside. He got a cozy blanket, tent, dinosaur bones, fidget spinner, and more. One gift was this rectangle zip up thing, Myles calls it a bean bag. You can zip your body in it. Rhett is demonstrating. 
Camellia in her mermaid towel. 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Sunday Best

Caramel and Camellia in their matching dress. These were bought for Easter, we never got a good photo of the girls in them at Easter time with the boys.

Matching girls with random boys.

Snuggled in one chair.

Swimming at Rolling Hills

Being on swim team we purchased a Rolling Hills pool membership. The kids have enjoyed the pool lot. Myles and Camellia started out in the kiddie pool. Now Myles and Cami like to float in the normal pool next to the side. Cami wears a life jacket and tube. Myles likes the stomach and arms floaters. Goggles are must for Caramel and now Rhett. Myles is starting to request them now even though he doesn't put his head under water. The boys got matching shark trunks that came with 3D goggles. I even got to enjoy the pool and raced Caramel a little. I didn't have the courage to try a flip turn. My noses fill up with water so quick.
Rhett wanted to go to the cat pool, I was like what, you know the kitty pool, duh, silly Rhett.

Myles like to say "I'm peeing," when he is in the pool because the movie Dairy of a Wimpy Kid has a preschooler say that line when he is in the community pool.

Two other good friends purchased a swim membership, sweet!

Max from Arizona

Caramel's friend from Arizona visited us. We met up at Seahurst beach to explore the low tide. Max's family has kids similar age as ours. After scaring a lot of crabs, we took Max to Henry Moses Aquatic Center with our family. Caramel and Max were great friends at church and in school before he moved away when they were 6 years old. Caramel had a lot of fun seeing him again.

Sleeping Toddlers

Sometimes there needs to be a car ride to settle things down. Naps don't happen when it is summer time unless you are buckled.

Awesome glasses. Double decker.
Two boys sleeping.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Enjoying the Petrovitsky Park

 Sometimes it can be hard to it motivate and just get out the front door. It is always a better day when we go outside and explore. The kids had fun at Petrovitsky Park with lunch from Wendy's. We found nests on top of baseball field lights with the bird poop all over the ground to prove it!

High Adventure

Anthony was gone for a week on a High Adventure trip with the Scouts. They went white river rafting in Idaho. He was gone for 7 long days. It was hard while he was gone with all the kids.

Anthony enjoyed bonding with the boys even though he was dreading it. Anthony flipped over early on and it was a learning experience and the first and last time he flipped. The was an awesome leader that stepped in to lead the pack. He had great white river rafting skills.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Bratsman Cousins

My kids love it when cousins visit. They have a blast. My sister Chanel came up with her family. She is pregnant and due in the fall (baby girl, 4th child). Caramel and Rhett enjoy going on outing and more freedom with out the younger siblings. Grandpa Dan's boat and tubing is always a must.

Garage Sale for PTSA

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Fort Casey

While we were on Whidbey Island, we visited Fort Casey. It was super windy!
Camp Casey is where I went for 6th grade camp.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

July 4th at Sandy Point

We traveled over to Sandy Point, Whidbey Island for the 4th. We tried to catch a fish. The fish ate the bait but never hooked on. Learning patience and defeat, the fish were too smart.

We tried kayaking. Caramel and I went first. Cami wanted to go but then was too afraid. Myles went with Anthony and I took Myles next. It was fun learning how to kayak.

Grammy brought some kites.

We built a castle together. There was a sand castle building contest. Rhett helped with some other kids. Myles, Cami, and I made one. We all got 1st place for our age groups.

Going crabbing. Caramel and Rhett got to help bring in the crabs for dinner.

On the 4th there were fun activities. Grammy decorated the wagon and scooters. I pulled Cami in the wagon and Rhett and Myles scooted. The kids received a participation ribbon, fruit snacks, and a quarter. Once the parade was over there were some races.

Rhett was 2nd place in the sack races. Anthony and Rhett participated in the running races. Caramel, Rhett, Myles and I participated in the water balloon toss.

Enjoying the sun, Rhett took this picture with his camera. He loves to take pictures just like the adults. The kids were all sad to leave the wonderful beach life.