Thursday, August 31, 2017

First Day of School

Caramel and Rhett were totally ready for the 1st day of school. They enjoyed summer. But they enjoy school and the social aspects of it. Rhett has Mrs. Gayle for 2nd grade and is in the same classroom he was last year. Caramel has a substitute teacher Mrs. White until the school hires a new 5th grade teacher. Being heavily involved with the PTSA, I am ready for school to started. The PTSA has lots of events planned.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Goodwill Shopping

Rhett and Camellia went Goodwill shopping to buy some water guns for a birthday party. Rhett got a jacket for school that will be his daily. Camellia got a doll (yes, yet another one), a cute ballerina outfit (she likes to wear multiple days in a row) and a cute leotard. 

Monday, August 28, 2017

Nail Salon

Caramel and I had some girl time getting our nails done. Caramel picked to have her toes done. Nice and fancy with flower for when school starts. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Solar Eclipse

Uncle Bob got us some sweet solar eclipse glasses delivered to us by Grammy Pam. Grandma Brenda and I watched the eclipse the longest. The kids came out every now and then to see the change. It was chillier outside during the eclipse. Great experience to see a solar eclipse.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Boating on Lake Washington

Enjoying the summer on Grandpa Dan's boat. Caramel and Rhett are always braving the tube. Myles and Camellia enjoy the boat. Rhett got to bring a lot a friend.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Ensign Ranch Camping

Best Brothers
I took the 3 younger kids camping up in at Ensign Ranch in Cle Elum. We stay in these tiny little cabins with bunk beds on both sides. There were a few other families that had a cabin as well. The highlight was the huge slip and slide. They kids loved it! They also had their bikes to ride around. Myles loved the cabin and setting up his around with his suitcase, chair, and food. I was a long night with Camellia falling off the top bunk (she was fine) and Rhett having night terrors. 
Anthony, Caramel, and Grandma Brenda joined us on Saturday. Caramel and Rhett rode on a horse I led around. Anthony and his friend had a lot of fun on the slip and slide too!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Kickball and Cami's Sad Eye

This was such a sad day - poor Camellia's eye. She woke up with it a little puffy then by the end of the day it was basically shut. I had to sneak a picture. She was very annoyed if anyone mention her eye. I am not sure what happened, I think it was a mosquito bite?? We are at Ridgewood Elementary playing kickball with some other families. 

Myles Rolling Blading

Anthony took the Caramel, Rhett, and Myles rolling blading. Myles has gone a couples times now and is slowly getting the hang of it. It is great to see him all sweaty and tired!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Rattlesnake Ridge

On our anniversary Anthony and I climbed up Rattlesnake Ridge. We missed the big sign some how and started up a steep trail after. We finally found the real trail after seeing some hikers in the distance. There was a great view of Rattlesnake Lake at the top and we ate lunch.

After hiking of course we went shopping. Anthony found this amazing reflective jacket and bought 2 of them. I bought and cozy sweater.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Bike Riding at Seward Park

 Seward Park is a great place to enjoy Seattle nature with the kids. We love the playground area with the zip line and ropes.

We brought bikes and went around the loop, I think it is 2 miles. There is a great view of I-90 bridge in the distance and fun pond areas with turtles. The kids tried to catch some of the turtles.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Swim Team Rolling Hills

These pictures are from the last swim meet with all the teams they swam against in Kirkland. Caramel did a great job. I am very proud of her and how much she improved. At the end of the season Caramel got most improved swimmer for her age range. She always wanted to go to practice and meets because she loves the social aspect of it all. She was lucky to not have any ear problems, and covered her ears most of the time with her swim cap.