Monday, November 27, 2017

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Rain and Bikes

 Thanksgiving weekend we explored the Soos Creek Trail a few times. Once was walking with a new family we met at church. Another time on bikes with another family. And once with the just by ourselves.
 The boys found a whirlpool.

 The last time we went, we were a little smarter wearing boots so they could enjoy the huge puddles.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Smarty Pants the Owl

 Myles finally got to take home Smarty Pants the Owl. This owl gets to visit all the students' houses over the weekend. Myles got Smarty Pants over Thanksgiving weekend. He sat with us at the table. Myles loved taking picture with him and showing Smarty is tent and room.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Dinosaur Eggs

Anthony went to South Dakota for he annual hunting trip with his dad and uncle. Grandpa bought the kids some dinosaur eggs. You put the eggs in water then the grow and break through the egg. The kids enjoyed seeing the change.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Reading with Daddy

Anthony was reading with Caramel on Caramel's bed. Camellia decided to make a nice bed on Anthony's back and she fell asleep. Camellia doesn't get much slept with fun older siblings.

Dance Clinic

Caramel did a dance clinic with the Kentridge High School dance team. She was excited to see her school friend. Caramel is the one with her hands in front of her face.... One of her teachers from the dance team was our neighbor, it was great they were paired together. Caramel loves music and dancing, although dancing in front of an audience isn't her favorite.

One Bed

Two on the floor and one in her bed. Not sure why the floor is better than a bed.....

Magician and Ice Cream Social

Myles' school had a magician and ice cream social for an evening activity. Rhett had his friend Vinnie come with us. Rhett and Vinnie with both helpers for an act. Myles didn't really want to sit and ended up crawling around under tables in the back. Of course everyone wanted seconds on ice cream but we only had one each.

Myles and Camellia - best buddies

Myles was the line leader at school which means the teacher write a couple sentences about you. 
"Myles is our line leader. He likes to eat dinner. He likes to watch Goose Bumps. Myles likes to go to the park. Myles starts with the letter M."

Camellia loves taking pictures, she is always ready with a smile. Her and Myles are buddies during the day until Caramel and Rhett get home.

Camellia likes to play in the girls' room with the Barbie dolls but sometimes she plays armies with Myles. Myles loves to set up armies and can be very particular about if objects are moved. 

Camellia's top choice of activity is to watch babies or Barbie on my phone under her bed. She goes under the bed to she can turn it up loud. 

With the rainy cold weather Myles and Camellia are practicing their dance moves. They are better good at it.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Escape to the Neighbors

Myles was in the backyard then I looked around and didn't see him. Myles had walked down to a neighbor's house to see if his friend could play. Luckily I found him quickly. Camellia helped me out on his location. He is looking into the neighbors front window in this picture- need to work on door knocking manners.