Saturday, January 13, 2018

Rhett's Birthday Party

Rhett had a party at Virtual Sports with Nerf guns. The kids were nice a sweaty at the end. We had cake, pizza, and some fruits and vegetables. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Albert Einstein Day at Fairwood Elementary

The PTSA hosted a day called Albert Einstein day. The Pacific Science Center came for the day. It started with an assembly about testing, redesigning, and retesting experiments. Then there were exhibits in the library and workshops in the classroom.
Caramel's class talked about bridges then built bridges and test the strengthen then redesigned.

Rhett's Birthday

Rhett turned 8! Currently he is really into Roblox an online game where you pick out your avatar. His birthday cake has Roblox characters on it. Bluelightsaverpower is his Roblox name. He was super excited to get Roblox bucks so he could buy an outfit for his avatar. He chose a snowman outfit.
Here he is getting sang to at church with a cupcake cut out around his face.

Saturday, January 6, 2018


 Caramel and Rhett made it to the Council level with the Reflections program. Rhett made a collage picture of his future house. Caramel wrote a poem about her grandmother.
 They were displayed at MOD pizza so we viewed them Council level pieces then had lunch.

A picture of Myles with his creation.