Thursday, March 28, 2019

Watching Babies

Cami and I cared for a cute 4 month old one afternoon. Cami really wanted to hold him all the time but he is still wiggly. She had fun getting his bottle and toys.

Saturday, March 9, 2019


Cami celebrated her 6th birthday. She requested a unicorn cake. A couple of neighbor friends came over to celebrate with cupcakes, crown making, picture coloring and just playing.

Some gifts were puzzle, monkey finger pet, LOL doll, LOL doll drawing kit, and the big present a new powered Frozen Jeep to cruise around the neighborhood.

Cami had a successful well child check up. She did have wax build up in her right ear which she had earlier in the year and caused her to not hear as well. She is all set for Kindergarten next year. Anthony and I were able to go to orientation with her. She went to the Kindergarten classrooms and met other students. 

Weight - 46 lbs 4 oz - (82nd percentile)

Height - 3'9" (88th percentile)

She also went to the dentist and got a unicorn balloon there!