Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rhett Field Trip

I chaperoned Rhett's group. Small group of 3 boys. Third grade went to Cougar Mountain Zoo and then to Sammamish State Park for lunch and playgroup.
The boys enjoying the reindeer smell.

T post 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Anthony B-day

Grandpa Neil came into town. We ate out at Cheesecake Factory for Anthony's birthday.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Myles Field Trip

 Myles went to the Woodland Park Zoo for their Kindergarten field trip. Anthony got to chaperone.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Cami's Preschool Field Trip

Cami went on another preschool field trip to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. We road the bus which is always exciting. It was a dizzily day so we were a little wet.
We ended up roaming the zoo with one firend and her mom. Cami wanted to see panda, but the zoo doesn't have regular black and white panda. We saw some cute rinos. 

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Hip Hop Dance Recital

Myles and Cami did an amazing job at their dance recital. Excellent dancing skills. The hip hop mix with Kris Kross and MC Hammer was a real crowd pleaser.  

Friday, May 10, 2019

First Heat of the Season

 Sunny day, to the beach we go.
Rhett, Myles, and Cami enjoyed the water and sand. Caramel and her walked the park and played volleyball a little. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Best of the Best

This year I was in charge of nominations for PTSA awards. For the local school awards Mrs. Tugman (Caramel's teacher) received the Outstanding Educator. Caramel attend the dinner with me so she could see Mrs. Tugman be recognized. On the higher council level, we have two amazing people that I nominated. They both won for Outstanding Educator (Rhett's teacher) for the district and Golden Acorn. It was fun to have lots a Fairwood winner at the dinner. Peace, Love and Understanding was the theme.