Thursday, November 28, 2019


No picture of the after party at the movie theater seeing Frozen 2. We ate Thanksgiving dinner at our house. We had Grammy, Charity, Grandpa Dan, and Norma eat with us. We did a little shopping after the movie, it was crowded and I was ready to leave. Anthony and I went home with Myles and Cami and the rest shopped for a little bit.
Aunty Charity had an interesting project for the girls to make creative ornaments.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Adventures in Plumbing

Owning a home is always an adventure. The plumbing in the bath tubs downstairs was backed up. Anthony used the snake on all the drains but still it backed up. Finally we had to call professionals out. They did the same thing with a bigger snake down the toilet plumbing in the master.
After $700 for the service, we thought it was fixed but it backed up again. So Anthony dug a hole to see where the outside and inside plumbing meets. The missionaries were lucky enough to help dig. Ends up there was a root that was blocking the pipe. So Anthony snaked it from there and the root cleared out. Anthony installed a plastic cylinder so he could see the junctions easier and block out roots. It was an expensive weekend and of course the weekend that Grammy moved in. Plumbing is essential and so wonderful when it works!

Annual Photos

We had our annual photos taken. This year was a Christmassy theme with colors and location. We ended up having to reschedule since Anthony was out of town. We went super early in the morning and it was raining. We were all wet by the end and I kept thinking Myles would slip in the mud at any second. We survived with only mudding shoes. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hammer for Treasure

Rhett found a cool looking rock on his way home. He decided to crush it and see if there was any treasure inside of it like diamonds or gold. :)

Volleyball - Bruins

Another fun volleyball team, go Bruins. Caramel played on a Renton community volleyball team. Friends from church enrolled with her 3 girls and 1 boy which made for a fun team. They won every game they played. Caramel didn't want any family members watching her. She has a killer serve!