Thursday, July 30, 2020

Myles Birthday

Myles used his bouncy house slide we have for his birthday party. We had 3 other families come over. One family had a sibling Rhett's age and two other families had a girl Cami's age. Like previous birthdays, Myles had a bucket (now a trash can) so he could dunk in it. After the bouncy house fun we did water balloons in the front yard then a piƱata. 
Some of the boys. 
Cami and her girls. 
Myles really wanted a clown for his birthday. So Rhett was willing to dress up like on after the friends left. He came in riding on Myles' new bike talking in a higher pitched slower voice. Then we went outside to throw pies in each other's faces. 

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Anthony's Cousin

Anthony has a cousin with four kids a little younger than ours that lives in Arlington. We hadn't seen them in a long time. The kids couldn't remember them so Anthony reached out to them to hang out. We traveled up to Arlington picking up Oliver Garden on the way to visit with them. After a little time the kids got use to each other and played inside and outside. The oldest boy close to Rhett's age even had a gecko like Rhett. They ended up just buying a side by side like Anthony's friend has. The kids all got a ride in it. We stayed late enough to have smores in the backyard. They are members of the same church as us which is interesting to see the same Christ pictures and statues that we have in our house. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Pump Track

A fun dirt track the kids rode around on. The 3 younger on their bikes with friends and played on playground and climbing rock. Caramel bought a friend and skateboarded around the park. 


Monday, July 6, 2020

Exocet went around the block

Anthony worked on the Exocet today and had it out to drive it around the block. I helped with the brakes. It is off the welder shop hopefully soon. He really wants it done before the summer ends to drive in the nice weather. 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

4th of July

We started the day with a short and sweet neighborhood parade at Allen park. With social distancing, there wasn't a big crowd and after the loop around most families went home. We did get to chat for a bit with two other families and a school friend of Camellia's. Two kids ended up coming over and seeing your new bunnies for a bit. 

 Myles got a fun treat from his church teacher. Some candy wrapped like TNT. He loves the phrase "TNT dynamite" from the AC/DC song. Rhett and him opened it up and tried putting it in Coke to see if it would explode. We did this with Mentos awhile back.
For the night activities with had 2 families over for dinner and fireworks. One family brought a ton of fireworks. We did watch a bit of Independence Day but both fireworks and the outside movie needed darkness. Once it was dark we were back to fireworks. It was sad not having Caramel with us, she is still in Utah. The kids got to light off some big fireworks. Rhett and his buddy were even biking around alittle which had me paranoid. Myles had some snake fireworks he couldn't find so he went on a snake hunt with Grammy. Cami had firework called Girl Power she used as vase the next day. Lots to clean up in the morning.