Saturday, September 26, 2020

Baby Shower

My good friend is having her first baby! So excited for her. We got to host a baby shower for her. She is having a baby boy due around the first of November. 


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Monkey Blanket

The many faces of Myles. Myles has had this blanket since he was little. It wasn't until this last year he decided to carry it around everywhere. He is loving it to piece. It will soon be pieces. It is washed so often that there are rips everywhere. Crazy monkey boy!


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Schooling, Lizzie, and Making Alphabet Books

This is the photo Rhett sent to share with his class his hobbies. Playing on his computer is the best.

Cami working on her handwriting packet. 
Hugs from Rhett. Lizzie is getting bigger everyday. Almost 3 months old. 

Air fort tent. Boys camping out in the front room. Peeking in on them. 

Caramel's and Lizzie, same hair color, well half at least. 

Coloring, cutting, and sliding in alphabet pages to make books for kids. This was the 9/11 service project we were able to do this year. 
Lizzie loves her naps.
 Best buddies. 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Last Days of Summer River Fun

Our neighborhood friends met up with us at a fun spot on Cedar River. The kids had a blast floating around and moving around rocks. Lizzie was able to come to. She didn't enjoy the water. Hopefully when she is older.