Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Princess Party

Cassidy and Caramel Dress to Party
Caramel is finally acquiring some girl friends! She was able to attend a Preschool birthday party in January. And recently a Princess Party for a neighbor girl. Both girls will attend Tiffany Park Elementary school with Caramel. The Princess Party was in Puyallup at A Simple Wish. Looked like a fun business in an older house turned in to a Princess party area.
Caramel Twirling on Stage
The Birthday Girl picked Princess Ariel to host her party. After making a wand and painting nails, the girls dressed up and learned some moves. How to wave and blow a kiss, curtsey, and twirling your dress. Then a fashion show on stage to put those moves to use. Caramel didn't last long in the dress up outfit (too itchy...she is my daughter alright). Luckily she was wearing a yellow dress that blended in with the other girls. She said her favorite princess was Snow White which I have never heard before (wonder if it was becuase she had yellow on at the time), favorite color pink and rainbow. Then there was dancing, storybook reading, and a tea party with cupcakes. Super cute!
All the Girls
We are getting ready for Caramel's party this year. It will be My Little Pony themed with pony games. Last year Caramel had a Princess party.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

Had these two little leprechauns running around the house. The hat was made at preschool and the headband feathers from Grammy. Both thought it was funny wear the head decorations around. Caramel and Rhett got Lucky Charms cereal, 2 books, and some cars on St. Patrick's Day.

Mother's Little Helper

Caramel likes to play the Mother role. It used to be just with her babies but now that she is almost five, she wants a real challenge - putting Rhett to bed. Lately she likes to put him to bed at random times of the day. She will lift him up and carry him occasionally, it looks ridiculous. Sometimes the bed will be made in the living room or some fort. Other times it will be in her bed. She will read him stories and sing songs. The real fun part is that Rhett likes it as long as it doesn't last too long. Usually when Caramel tries to end the good night routine by saying good bye, closing the door and leaving him in the room is when Rhett is done and wants me to come open the door for him. Since he is trapped - Rhett can't open doors yet.
Singing Rhett to sleep.
Caramel stopping me from waking the baby.

Rhett likes to play with babies. My favorite line from him is "Oh, so cute." Love the way he says it. He will pick up baby dolls and bounce them a little saying, "Sh, sh, sh, shhh." Then he will ask what song and sing usually Twinkle, twinkle or Wheels on the Bus. When he pushes around the toy stroller it usually has a baby in it with at least 20 cars for the baby's enjoyment.

Another sleeping arrangement Rhett and Caramel have is with the changing table. We have bunk beds coming in May. Caramel is very excited for this and practices with Rhett. Taking out all the toys (I can't watch this part) and making beds on the two shelves of the changing table. The two will "sleep" like this. VERY CUTE!

Both wearing one mommy shoe and one daddy shoe.

When Anthony gets home Rhett likes to put on his shoes and walk around. Caramel will join in on this and they will stumble around for a couple of minutes.

March Weather

Weather has been crazy lately.
We had a couple of sunny days; we went striaght for the double stroller. Caramel will start out on the scooter but doesn't last as long as I want to walk. (Trying to control the pregnancy weight gain.) Although it was sunny the kids started complaining how cold they were. So the next couple of walks, they had blankets on top of them so they wouldn't freeze. If Caramel brings a baby with her then Rhett will request one as well. The babies then of course need blankets as well.

Then we had snow which they were dying to go play in. So I spent a couple mintues outside then watched from the door. Caramel said she was ice skating down the hill on her bike. Rhett kept getting frustrated pushing his car in the snowy grass getting stuck.

Most recently it has been down pouring. We get these puddles of rain in the grass by the house that can sneak up on you. Of course coming out of Caramel's ballet class it was down pouring. Maple Valley Highway can be scary with the puddles and trucks passing; a couple of times I couldn't see anything.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby Boy Kranz

 Here are some pictures of Baby Boy Kranz due July 22, 2012. He is a mover, feeling kicks constantly. I think finally to the point were someone else could feel it.

Baby Profile

Two Hand Wave

Karate Kick

It A Boy

Heartbeat and Arm Wave

Caramel was upset at first that the baby is a boy, but doesn't mention wanting differently now. When asked what she would want to name her new brother she said "Rhett. Then she could have two brothers named Rhett." That would be easier when I have to yell for all the kids. Caramel is the one that touches my belly the most maybe because that is basically eye level for her.

Monday, March 12, 2012

"Going to the Lodge"

Recently, we returned from the Great Wolf Lodge. Caramel was very excited since she remembered going last year. Last and this year she was very brave wanting to go on everything including the small slides she could go down all by herself. (Rhett doesn't have the height Caramel has; it will take awhile before he meets the height requirements) The wave pool was her favorite using her goggles.

Rhett loved the water park last year but was hesitant this year. He is the more cautious one. At parks he will only go down the small slides. Favorite spot for him was in the basketball area with Anthony holding on to a ball. Also enjoyed sitting on the banana boat or squirting Daddy.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Kranzburg, South Dakota was establish in 1878 by Anthony's ancestors. Lately, Anthony wants to seriously move back to this town of 172 people. He enjoys the trips back to South Dakota with the flat land that goes on forever and wildlife. A slower pace of life.
Kranzburg, Washington was established in 2004. Population is 4 with a move in at the end of July. Another boy! With a girl and boy already some were surprised with another addition, but ideally we would like 6 total in the family.