Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Princess Party

Cassidy and Caramel Dress to Party
Caramel is finally acquiring some girl friends! She was able to attend a Preschool birthday party in January. And recently a Princess Party for a neighbor girl. Both girls will attend Tiffany Park Elementary school with Caramel. The Princess Party was in Puyallup at A Simple Wish. Looked like a fun business in an older house turned in to a Princess party area.
Caramel Twirling on Stage
The Birthday Girl picked Princess Ariel to host her party. After making a wand and painting nails, the girls dressed up and learned some moves. How to wave and blow a kiss, curtsey, and twirling your dress. Then a fashion show on stage to put those moves to use. Caramel didn't last long in the dress up outfit (too itchy...she is my daughter alright). Luckily she was wearing a yellow dress that blended in with the other girls. She said her favorite princess was Snow White which I have never heard before (wonder if it was becuase she had yellow on at the time), favorite color pink and rainbow. Then there was dancing, storybook reading, and a tea party with cupcakes. Super cute!
All the Girls
We are getting ready for Caramel's party this year. It will be My Little Pony themed with pony games. Last year Caramel had a Princess party.

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