Thursday, February 28, 2013


We were able to go to Disneyland for the first time with kids. Love this picture of us arriving at Long Beach with Caramel's hair looking like Merida's from Brave. The flight there was better than the flight back. (Rhett was a little over tired and had to use the bathroom on the plane.) In Long Beach we met up with Grandpa Neil and then later Aunt Charity and Benny. California was tempting with the warmer weather; I was so cold returning to Washington. We spent 4 days in Disneyland and California Adventure and 1 day swimming and jumping at Sky High. Once we were at the hotel Caramel just wanted to go swimming, so I was glad we were able to twice. It was a super fun vacation. Although when I think of the word vacation I think of sleeping in or at least getting decent sleep- that didn't really happen until we were all home again in our own beds. 
Longest line we waited in was pictures and signatures with princesses. There is a spot in Fantasyland next to the ride "It's a Small World" where up to 3 princesses will stand to take pictures, signatures, and talk with your children. The sign said 60 mintues but it was actually less, not much though. They rotate in princesses and the count can go down to only 2. When we got up there it wasn't Ariel, Cinderella, and Belle like it was when we got in line- it was Tiana, Jasmine, and Aurora. We passed Rapenzal's personal area when there was a nice short line of only 15 mins. Caramel had a princess shirt for signing.
In Torrowland the family favorite ride was Astro Blasters with Buzz. A ride even Myles could go on. Rhett went on this ride the most, while Caramel rotated riding other rides with mommy or daddy (Space Mountain and Star Tours). He even got a blaster he showed off to the princesses. Rhett was totally fearful of Buzz when we actually got close. Needed some reassuring it was all good.

Caramel's favorite ride was Splash Mountain. We always hit this ride at night when there was no line. I think Caramel went on it 6 times getting all the adults to ride it to. A cute Winnie the Pooh ride is close where Rhett and Myles would hang out.

Rhett's favorite ride was the Mater's Junkyard Jamboree- think he did that 5 times. Another ride in Cars Land is Lugi's Tires- LAMEST ride ever. This ride is horrible! It is so nice and new too. We only did this ride once. The sweetest ride in Cars Land is probably the one we didn't do because Rhett was too short. It is called Radiator Springs Racer- didn't even get close to it so Rhett wouldn't know.
We were glad to have Grandpa Neil with us most of the time. Here he is enjoying the line waiting at Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage. Also a picture with Auntie Charity at Bug's Life. Did a little celebrating for her birthday.
Glad with had a stroller for all the kids. Rhett was normally in the umbrella stroller and Caramel and Myles in the sit'n'stand. Then at night I would have Myles in the front pack and Caramel and Rhett in the sit'n'stand. Also glad we packed food, becuase Caramel would be hungry by the time we would walk through the entrance. Also hats and sunglasses were a must being from Seattle.
Glad Myles wasn't any older or heavier. He didn't mind being carried around everywhere. He did make it hard to look at the map. He would grap for it everytime. Tore a piece right off after this picture. What a cutie pie.
Returning home, Grandpa Dan picked us up in our normal MPV van and Rhett was disappointed that we would not be driving in our new van (the rental). He was tired and would not stop talking about wanting to go in the new van. He also asked what house we were going to, the old one or new one. Caramel enjoyed our hotel "house" as well. The question was asked more than once if the hotel was our new house. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rhett's First Grammy Day

Turning the big 3 means Rhett is eligible for Grammy Days. Caramel loves Grammy Day and Rhett picked up quickly that Grammy Days are something desirable. Here is a picture on his first Grammy Day just before departure. Big smile, perfect.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Science Center and Weird Kids

We ventured into Seattle to explore the Science Center. Caramel wanted to go to the Butterfly room (love it!) first so we headed there. On the way there looking at all the other bugs Caramel was grossed out, a change since the last time we visited. Once in the Butterfly room, they kids had a blast learning with the info sheets and nature around them. Then near the end, a butterfly was zooming around and landed on Caramel's shoulder. She was not excited about his and demanded it off immediately. I picked up her sleeve and gave it a little shake, it finally flew away. The butterfly flew towards me and feeling something on my ear, I freaked out a bit shaking around. After that we had to go straight to the exit because it was more then Caramel expected.

There was a lady presenting about tricks used to make things seem magical. The crowd wasn't big and my kids were the only ones willing to assist the lady. The first trick Caramel handed her a quarter then the lady said her hand was warming up and showed a bent quarter. She explained this trick was called "Sleight of Hand." Caramel thought she was done and walked back to her seat with the bent quarter. After stepping off stage, Caramel popped the quarter right into her mouth! I was like..What? Then quietly told Caramel to get that quarter out of her mouth. Crazy girl. Caramel handed the mouthed quarter back to the lady. So random.

When Rhett went up to help as soon as he stepped on stage his hand went into his mouth and stayed there until he was down. Even when he talked he kept his hand in his mouth. He has never done that before in front of people. Guess he was a little shy and needed to put his hand somewhere.

We also learned about Happy Poops, Caramel was all ears when I read that title in the Health Body section of the Science Center. You need fiber for Happy Poops and pasta was the correct match.

One morning when I was trying to get things ready to leave. Caramel was getting her own breakfast cereal. She ended up spilling all the milk which was a first. I was feeding Myles so wasn't going to move. As the milk spilled from the table to the floor, it started to drip from the cracks. Caramel got her bowl and started catching the drips. Then said "Look it's like a cow." Glad she actually got some milk in her bowl since that was the last of it. Funny girl.

We went to a church playgroup in the gym. Rhett wanted a snack, so I gave him a muffin and told him to sit until done. Seconds later he came to me and said "Mom, I'm chocking." Out came the muffin mixed with some other wonderful stuff right into my hand. At least he knew what was happening.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Daddy Daughter Dance

Photo from Dance
Anthony took Caramel to a Daddy Daughter Valentine Dance at the community center. First one the community has put on. Unfortunately Caramel's ears have been causing sickness and she was a little out of it. She had barely eaten anything and kept falling asleep during the day. Her lips were bright red and irritated. I was able to convince Caramel to wear the outfit I bought her (she did request rain boots and luckily they matched the outfit). They had fun, but Caramel wasn't full of energy like normal. They danced, made a crown, had their picture taken, and had refreshments. Afterwards Caramel finally ate at DQ- 1 hamburger, 1 hot dog and 1 ice cream cone.
Sleeping before dance
Valentine Day ready for school

Friday, February 1, 2013

Snoqualmie Sledding

On a sunny Saturday we drove east on I-90 for a sledding adventure. We didn't spend too much time there, but it was fun getting out and experiencing the snow. Rhett was the first to petition to leave. He took off his gloves because of cold hands after that he really experienced cold hands and wasn't happy. Caramel enjoyed it the most. Funny how the kids could walk fine in the snow, but when I walked in it my feet would sink. Need more surface area for my weight. Walking with Myles strapped on, I felt a little ridiculous. We got to see some ready for action sled dogs. They were nice and loud, kids were a little scared but interesting to watch the teams get ready. In the end Rhett rode the sled laying down like he was in an ambulance. Luckily he had sunglasses or we would have had another emergency on our hands.

80's Girls Night

Some ladies and I planned an 80's birthday celebration. It was fun getting together to eat desserts, talk, play Just Dance and Heartthrob, and dress up. Also fun looking back on the 80's and remembering classic songs and movies.