Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ladybug and Caterpillars

The blossom plum tree Anthony and I planted in the front yard is growing like a weed. I cut off some of the lower branches. The kids searched for insects. We found tiny yellow eggs. From a Google search I believe they are ladybug eggs. Have even seen the larva on the garbage cans too. Kids also found caterpillars. Rhett's caterpillar died from a mud bath (our bird bath always turns into a mud bath) and Caramel's from stick poking. Horrible, poor caterpillars.
Myles too young for killing bugs, played in the swimming pool. He loves climbing in and out of it. Sometimes I put a little water and sometimes it is empty. He has fun keeping balance. Even crawled over to the hose acting like he was going to fill up the pool or spray Caramel and Rhett for some real fun.

Call Me Maybe- Jazz Dance Recital

Recital for Caramel's jazz class finally happened. She started at the Renton Community Center in January and performed on May 18th at the Hazen High School Auditorium. Last two years she did ballet and this year she did jazz. She enjoyed the song "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen that the class performed to, nice and upbeat.
When the costume came, Caramel's face light up with excitement. She thought the costume was a good pick. Of course doing her hair was a loud event. Caramel just hates the way she looks and how it feels when her hair is up. Best thing to do is put it half up which is expectable, then all the way up right before- when there is no mirrors present and her peers around. Caramel did a great job performing. I think she was looking in the audience for us and it distracted her from smiling while she danced. Afterwards she said how she couldn't find us in the audience.
There is always cookies after the show. Caramel needed to change, have her hair taken down, and go to the bathroom ASAP. Didn't get too many picture after the show. With Caramel attending Tiffany Park Elementary school, we knew a lot more of the kids performing. Myles was super tried by the end of the show, exhausted he fell asleep with Grandpa Dan holding him. Celebrated at Dairy Queen afterwards!

Relaxing with Rhett

Rhett and I have enjoyed mornings together with Caramel at AM Kindergarten and Myles taking his first nap of the day. With the nice weather Rhett has mastered his bike with training wheel. Just a couple months ago his feet couldn't reach the petals. Once he grows another inch, I think we will take off the training wheels. Rhett calls his bike the "swim bike." It is a blue fish themed bike. Caramel's first bike, I bought it so Rhett would be able to use it. Rhett rides his bike in the backyard, while I have worked on yard work projects. One day he decided to wear this outfit, helmet, shirt with cape and zipper mouth, shorts, and rain boots. He was relaxing in the Jeep after working on the engine. Wanted to get the cape in the picture too, but when he realized I was taking pictures he wasn't to camera friendly.
Funny picture of Rhett being a crazy piggy outside.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Lake Boren Park

Finally visited a new park, Lake Boren Park up by Grandpa Dan's house in Newcastle. Sprayed for bugs so the kids and I left the house. A great park with playground and huge grass area, even beach volleyball area. Grandpa Dan and the kids enjoyed the park, walking through some woods and wetlands and the dock. We took Anthony to the park one Saturday, he took some pictures of the kids sitting in the grass. Even went to the local neighbourhood garage sale and pick up some items for Caramel including a Hello Kitty lunch box, she likes to pack snacks in.

It is spring! I have killed at least hundreds of spiders, finding baby spiders about to leave where the egg sac was planted. I showed the kids what looked like a little ball attached to the house, then I would blow on them and the spiders would start to disperse. Caramel said once, "You're destroying nature." Recently, we saw Charlotte's Web the play, surprised she didn't bring that up. Anthony sprayed a bumble bee nest in a bird house right next to the front door I discovered. The kids watched the bees fly out and then fall to the ground dying. I moved the bird house, but think it is being occupied again with bees. The front door is a little scary with all the bees swarming the flowers. 
This picture shows how Myles scrunches his nose up and breathes hard sometimes. So cute.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Little Tykes

The kids call this toy, "the Little Tyke." A ladybug on wheels. Rhett loves to roll on the hard wood floor and spin. He also likes to claim it as his and suggest Myles take one of his toys. Caramel loves to give Myles little rides on it and I finally like it too. I was trying to get a picture of Caramel and her dress for school class pictures. Yes, Caramel's hair styled and wearing a dress, it was an eventful morning.

Joy School

Pictures of Rhett and his Joy school crew - 3 boys and 1 girl. Caramel was the one girl for two years when she had Joy school. She actually went to Joy school with all of these same families at some point of the 3 years she had it. Hooray for the Ellis, Epperson, and Hanes families and having kids around the same age.
The year is almost over and Rhett has enjoyed his learning time with friends. We have been lucky to have great families around the area that make my kids feel comfortable leaving mom. I have enjoyed dancing and making simple books with the Joy school gang.
Sadly, although only 6 months younger than the 3 friends, Rhett will not be in the same school grade as them. At church he is the oldest in his Nursery class and asks the teacher frequently where are his friends. Rhett misses the birthday cut off by 11 days and the older kids graduated to the Sunbeam class at the beginning of the year. Next year, I think he might be the only Sunbeam. Cute little Rhett.

Boys and the Zoo

Hanging with the gorilla statues. We viewed the gorillas for the longest amount of time. One gorilla was chewing on a big ball, very fascinating for Rhett to watch. Rhett and Myles loved climbing on the statue gorillas while we waited for some friends.
Rhett picked up this stuffed animal before we jumped into the van. He lovingly held this yellow bear, showing him all the animals.
"Yes, the joy of siblings and how they always have to touch my head."

Fish are Friends

Fish are Friends. We apparently have pets. I am not a pet person. I have to care for humans, so I don't like to add to the list. One day Anthony decided Caramel needed fish for her birthday and bought the supplies. Caramel and Rhett selected 1 glow fish each. Pink one named Sally (named after a sock puppet I have named Sally, I made in college) Caramel's fish. Orange one named Cooca (just what Rhett came up with) Rhett's fish. There is also a snail named Caramel (Yes, named by Caramel). Later Anthony picked up 2 more fish- need to clarify what are their names. Loved how I checked on the tank and noticed the castle and plants were moved and flakes of food on the carpet......Rhett.

Tulip Festival

At the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Mount Vernon, actually made it this year. April is a wonderful month with Caramel's birthday and Spring starting to pop out of the ground. Had great time with the family trying to get pictures. Kids enjoyed running with the wind seeing the flowers and awesome huge kites.
Love this picture because they look like they are shy or something which they are totally not!
Lots of solid colored tulips but a couple fun strip ones like this one.
Fun picture of Anthony giving Rhett a little tickle hug.
Anthony and I, me trying not to eat my hair with the wind.