Friday, August 23, 2013

Capitola, California

Anthony and I took a little trip to Capitola, California without kids. This has only happened once before- for Anthony's birthday when there was only Caramel and Rhett. It is pretty amazing thing to leave and go somewhere with your spouse only, and to think some couples do this regularly, pure genius. We met up with Anthony's dad Neil and Jackie and sister Charity and Benny. Visited with Jackie's son Billy for a bit too.
Headed to Santa Cruz one day, of course Anthony picked out a claw game to play. He picked one he played last time we were in Santa Cruz (he won a blue monkey that time). This time he won a plush penguin. Yes, so exciting. Anthony is exploding with excitement in this picture.
Anthony was excited to try a deep fried peanut butter and jelly sandwich. He gives it a thumbs up which was a surprise. Two years ago I tried the Oreos, not that great. Oreos are way better dip in milk or mixed in ice cream or hot fudge....anyways.
Fun picture on the Ferris Wheel taken by Charity a seat in front of us.
Enjoying food and music on the wharf.
Eating without kids is a magical thing.
You can just sit and eat- amazing.
Anthony and Benny trying to be cool by eating the faces of super heroes.
This sweet car picked us up from the hotel and drove us to dinner.
The restaurant, Shadowbrook, has wonderful greenery surrounding it and a river.
Charity and Benny
Group photo at dinner.
We celebrated Anthony's dad birthday and our 9th anniversary.
Last time we were at this restaurant, Anthony told his dad we were getting married.
We also enjoyed walking on the beach collecting things for Caramel, strolling up to Gayle's Bakery, and being with family.

Westport Beach

The kids and I had a little day trip fun this summer. We met up with a family that was staying at Westport Beach, just south of Ocean Shores. It was a fun little less than 3 hour drive. They kids got to watch two movies in the van which is always exciting. Driving and seeing the different towns and land formations was interesting.
 Upon arrival we walked to the beach and had some fun. Caramel loved wave jumping with the 2 older boys in the freezing water. Rhett and his buddy played a safe distance away from the water in the sand. Myles kept walking straight for the water, I kept rescuing him before the wave would come. My feet would go numb as soon as the water hit. Sand and toddler are kind of a huge sandy mouth mess.
The kids loved finding treasures in the beach.
 Took Rhett awhile to take this picture next the crab.
He kept waiting for the crab to come back to life and attack him.  
Shelbi was kind enough to bury all the kids but the babies.
They transformed into mermaids, fish, and octopus.
 Leaving around 7pm it didn't take the kids long to all fall asleep.
Caramel started asking me all these questions about snails. Finally I got a clue and realized she had one in the van. A lovely present from her friend Max before we left. I figured she could keep it for awhile so I threw her back a container. But once in the contain the snail got really comfortable and was moving all over the place. Caramel was okay with letting him go seeing all his activity. He made it about 2 miles from home.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Boating on Sammamish Lake

Made it out to the lake twice this year with Grandpa Dan.
Myles has an okay time on the boat. More than four hours on the boat and he will let you know he is done. (On a normal day he will be awake for 3 hours then need a nap.) The constant sun and not liking his hat is a battle. He did get his lifejacket on and float near the back of the boat. He was laughing as you dipped him in and out and he got to kick his feet.
Caramel and Rhett enjoy the boat. Always on the ride over they tell me how they will not be riding the tube. After actually getting on the boat and being relaxed, they will remember the fun and want a turn. Rhett was the one that kept going and going. Caramel really wanted Anthony to just go on the tube, so Grandpa Dan could go fast and have Anthony fall off. The only way you will have a safe ride is if you have a child with you.
Anthony and Rhett with no hands.
Grandpa Dan with Caramel and Rhett

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

1 Year Old- Myles

On Myles' actual birthday, July 30th, a Tuesday, we went to a local park to play with friends and share some cupcakes. The weather was hot and dry for July and is continuing for August. Myles had his first cupcake. They were mini cupcakes, the perfect size. He enjoyed pushing it into his mouth. Being at the park with no high chair it was hard to get a picture. He was walking around smushing the cupcake with his hand and mouth.

Love how he can walk now. If you give him any loud attention he finds you quite funny. He is great with the Mamama. nice and loud and Dadada. High fives and shaking his head when you say no.

On Sunday we celebrated with family that could make it come over. Grandpa Dan and Great Grandma Wanda (GM). Perfect hot day for hamburgers and potatoes.

Myles and his cake. He did a wonderful job eating this. The kids thought it was hilarious to watch him. Caramel did her crazy delirious laugh. Myles would just dive his face right in and scoot the plate closer to his face.
Myles and GM
Smiley Rhett with an awesome new car for car shows with GM.
Lucky Caramel with a fun book from GM.
Myles hugging his car from Grandpa Neil. He better hug it so Rhett doesn't steal it.
Awesome new slip and slide from Aunt Charity. Complete with crazy faces from Daddy making a touchdown, great marketing.
Height 76.2 cm (42%)
Weight 21 lbs 8.5oz (47%)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Book of Mormon Camp and VBS

I decide to do a little Monday thru Thursday camp for kids at church Caramel's age for one week. There is finally another girl in Caramel's Sunday school class that is active and comes over for play dates. There had to be at least one girl in the group for Caramel's approval even though her best friend is a boy, Max. (He is moving soon, so sad!)

We had 4 focuses from the Book of Mormon- Alma, Ammon, 2,000 Stripling Warriors, and Samuel the Lamanite. The one craft we had was a flag. We talked a little about persecution and flags of liberty. On the last day we marched in line with the flags to the park. It was fun, I would have loved to teach more, but the kids were always just dying to play in the backyard. 
Caramel is such a social, loves to entertain other people, person. I don't know how she is going to survive going to school from 8:30 to 3:10 this fall. It seems like such a long time! Hopefully her teacher is an active one.

The kids, Caramel and Rhett, went to a Vacation Bible School at Caramel's old preschool, Cross and Crown. Yes, now I know what VBS stands for, because a week ago I totally didn't. It was nice to see that Rhett didn't have a problem attending. He had friends there he knew. It was only 3 days from 9:30 to noon. The peace at home was so lovely. Made me think about enrolling Rhett in early preschool. Not yet though.

Caramel Creation

When we are in the backyard playing, Caramel loves to sneak back into the kitchen and make some creations. It is better for me not to watch, I would just limit her. Her favorite foods to use are bananas and marshmallows. She found this plastic egg holder which was perfect. After she makes something there is always a freezing step. One time she sliced up bananas and put pinches of bread on top of each slice then froze it. This was called banana bread. Love it. Much better then her drinks she is always adding salt and pepper to.

Costume Time

Cookie Monster!
California Raisin!
Big Hug.
We have these sweet costumes from Anthony's childhood. Anthony's sister, Charity, was Cookie Monster one Halloween. And Anthony was the California Raisin. Anthony's mom, Pam, made these costumes. Anthony still has some California Raisin figurines the kids play with. The kids enjoyed wearing them for a bit. They found themselves pretty hilarious walking around with big costumes on.

Drifting Day and Pioneer Day

Anthony and Rhett headed out to Monroe for the annual Drift event. Rhett was super excited and remembered going last year. They met up with another car loving family, the Hancocks, for breakfast at the Brown Bag CafĂ© (a place I worked at when Anthony and I were dating).
Rhett loved checking out the different looking cars with bright colors.
Anthony and Rhett were really close to one car that crashed hard against the wall. They also got close watching the cars heat up their tires. Rubber from the tires would hit them as they watched, lots of smoke too.
Entertaining the friends with some comedy. Anthony has know the Hancock family for many years. They have a Miata bond and continue to work on project cars ever now and then.
Rhett loves to look for the mini cars.
Even got to sit in some cars. Awesome!
One was a professional Corvette powered Miata Drift car.
Caramel, Myles, and I went to a quieter event for Primary up at the church building. A Stake Primary Pioneer Day with games. I was in charge of the 3-legged race station. Caramel was a good trooper cycling through the games 4 times and hanging out with different friends as they came and went. She did get the treat of ice cream 4 times as well, a total plus. I thought her favorite station might be the eating contest one, but it was a fruit by the foot eating contest (Caramel doesn't like fruit roll-ups). She still did it though and would find the garage afterwards to spit out the fruit gooiness. Pretty gross. Sorry no pictures.