Saturday, August 3, 2013

Book of Mormon Camp and VBS

I decide to do a little Monday thru Thursday camp for kids at church Caramel's age for one week. There is finally another girl in Caramel's Sunday school class that is active and comes over for play dates. There had to be at least one girl in the group for Caramel's approval even though her best friend is a boy, Max. (He is moving soon, so sad!)

We had 4 focuses from the Book of Mormon- Alma, Ammon, 2,000 Stripling Warriors, and Samuel the Lamanite. The one craft we had was a flag. We talked a little about persecution and flags of liberty. On the last day we marched in line with the flags to the park. It was fun, I would have loved to teach more, but the kids were always just dying to play in the backyard. 
Caramel is such a social, loves to entertain other people, person. I don't know how she is going to survive going to school from 8:30 to 3:10 this fall. It seems like such a long time! Hopefully her teacher is an active one.

The kids, Caramel and Rhett, went to a Vacation Bible School at Caramel's old preschool, Cross and Crown. Yes, now I know what VBS stands for, because a week ago I totally didn't. It was nice to see that Rhett didn't have a problem attending. He had friends there he knew. It was only 3 days from 9:30 to noon. The peace at home was so lovely. Made me think about enrolling Rhett in early preschool. Not yet though.

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