Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Picking


We fulfilled the annual pumpkin hunting event with Grandpa Neil. Carpinito Brothers' in Kent was the spot again this year. They had a cute little farm animal section that the kids and I enjoyed. Myles loved roaming free and the hand sanitizer. We of course got the big bag of popcorn and then headed to the very non-scenic tractor ride.
This was Rhett's second trip to the pumpkin patch- his first being with Joy school friends when he picked out a small pumpkin to paint. Myles had fun bouncing his bottom on perfectly sized pumpkins. Myles also enjoyed trying to push the wagon full of pumpkins. Caramel and Rhett found it amusing to find the pumpkin that were squished with the guts showing. Caramel and I found a vine with gourds growing that were fun looking. That started the gourd shopping.
So the kids and adults picked out pumpkins than several gourds were purchased as well. The last thing bought was brussel sprouts. I had some roasted once, so I attempted. Not yummy. I think using them for Halloween as fake brains would have been more useful. We have not carved pumpkins yet, but soon. Instead we have glittered smaller ones and decorated them in fun ways.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

It's a Girl!

Went to the doctor on October 10th and found out- it is a girl coming late February! Or "gil" as Caramel pronounces. Anthony of course knew it was a girl, so confident. I know some mothers say they can tell it is a girl or boy, but honestly I have no idea. I just know I am gaining weight and tired. Anthony also believes this baby will be on the smaller side like Caramel. I hope the baby is in the 7 pound range. Going late and having a 9 pound baby with Myles was not fun. My friend had her 3rd baby at home (like all the rest), I wish I could do that, mainly to avoid hospital bills. Pretty sure I would have a panic attack if I wasn't at the hospital.

When the kids were already, we had Caramel read a note then reveal pink cookies and starburst. Everyone loved the cookies especially Myles! Caramel gave her normal girl name suggestion of Sally for the newest family member.

Well, everything was good with the ultrasound. The pictures include profiles, a front on the face, and legs with angles crossed.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Picture Day

Caramel's first grade picture. She was happy to wear this blue church dress she picked out. For her hair she wouldn't allow a bow or anything fancy, but I did a little braid in on the side. Caramel is enjoying 1st grade. When she writes her routine list of people she loves Mrs. Leek is included. Her normal list has 3 sections- immediate family, grandparents, and lastly cousins. A regular time she makes these list is during Rhett's soccer games or practice.

She had an ear infection on a Monday, lucky the pain only lasted a day. The night sleep wasn't so great, so she stayed home from school. She didn't stay home the whole day though. By lunch time she wanted to go to school, so she did. That whole week her ear drained. It was a bit of a fight to clean the outer ear and hair everyday. I guess that was better than her having ear pain for a week. Couldn't believe all the fluid that came out.

Rhett has 2 weeks left of "soccering." He is getting more interested in the game. Now that he understands that making a goal is the point, he gets frustrated that he can't make this happen during a game. One main skill he lacks is after receiving the ball turning quickly towards the correct goal to run towards it. As you can see in the picture Rhett is on the short side, but is also the youngest. Makes me smile to think of his little legs running as fast as he can.

One Saturday he had practice and two games. That afternoon he fell asleep in the car for a little then did again in the evening taking a two hour nap. He got his exercise in the that day. Rhett hasn't napped since summer when we had longer days out in the sun.
No official picture day for Myles. Here is a picture I took in the backyard. The weather has been cold but sunny lately. Myles loves the outside and pushing things. There is a spot he goes directly to- a flower pot that always has great mud- so annoying. He has to have a bath after being outside each time now. This picture is after he had some splashing fun. Love the contently pushing along look.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cars, Cars, Cars

Every 6 months, we make the car insurance payment. It is interesting to see how many cars there are on this statement. We have a grand total of two people in the household that can drive. With FIVE cars on the statement, you would think Caramel and Rhett were older. That is enough cars for even 14 month old Myles to have a car.

A Mazda 5 is the most recent car Anthony has purchased. Or as the kids call it "the new van." Anthony drove to Idaho to look at a Mazda 5. He purchased this Mazda 5 in Everett. So Mazda has taken over. I mean, we have them in all sizes. Mazda MPV, 5, 323, and Miata. The Honda Accord has almost officially left our ownership and should never be on the insurance statement again.

Anthony has beautified the "new to us" Mazda 5 only purchasing what it needs. New speakers are needed to make a car run, right?

The Mazda Miata is at a friend's garage and will hopefully be ready for the track soon. Recently, Anthony ventured south for a racing event and reconnected with friends that have their cars all done.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Saying Good Bye to Fish and Friends

We had another fish die. This time it was Sally, Caramel's fish. There was a burial and funeral service for Sally. Unlike Rhett's fish that just got flushed..... Sally was saved in a box. Caramel and her friend Max selected a spot in the backyard. Flowers were provided by Caramel's garden.

Another pro pets parent once told me that kids need pets, so they can experience the loss of death. Caramel has already moved on, wanting a new pet hamster. We always tell her she has fish. So now she will phrase it, "when my fish die, I want a hamster." Letters have been written to Santa already about this. Shockingly, 4 fish and 1 snail have recently died. There is a parental belief that the tank is being poisoned, so a hamster cage can take over.

This funeral took place when Caramel was having her last playdate with her friend Max. His family has now relocated to the sunny Arizona.
Caramel planted a sunflower which grew way bigger then I thought it would. There was a total of 6 flowers, the largest one pictured. Speaking of sunflowers. Anthony loves buying BBQ sunflower seeds, he usual stores bags of them in the garage. Caramel finds those bags and will always help herself. It is funny to watch her try and learn the process of eating sunflower seeds.