Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Perfect Eyebrows and Loving the Shades

Myles is a water and shades boy. Lately he averages 2 baths a day with outside play and a endless running nose. He found these purple shades and loves walking around with them on.
On the last day Anthony and Grandpa Dan were finishing up the shop roof. Myles went to the ER and got 3 stitches. So glad I was not the only adult home when this happened. He came running into the kitchen and slipped hitting his left eyebrow on the corner of the oven door. Because he hit the oven the kids still think Myles burned his eyebrow but he just hit and cut it open.
Anthony said the doctor was amazing at sewing up the cut, did it in seconds. They swaddled Myles to keep his arms down and held his head still. Myles did great not touching the stitches and after 5 days his regular doctor took them out. They tried to take out the stitches with just me holding him still but had to bring in another nurse after Myles tried to kick the doctor.
 Rhett wanted a picture too when I was trying to get a shot of the stitches. Rhett likes to have flat hair, this is a rare spikey hair day.

Birthday and Rockets

We celebrated Anthony's birthday with eggs benedict and rockets. It was hard to decide what to do. We went to Black Diamond Café, their eggs benedict were rated high. By the time we got there, the kids wanted everything on the menu. They love breakfast food especially sausage. Peaches and blueberry muffins were enjoyed as well. A yummy place for breakfast and bakery too.

Once we got home the birthday boy took a nap. Anthony was given a note and the baby monitors on high volume, the rest of the family took a walk to the duck pond. After that we loaded up for rockets at Petrovisky Park. By the end we lost both rockets in the trees, so we played at the park until it was dinner time. We ended with Ezell's chicken and sides. The ice cream birthday cake was made 2 days earlier and was quickly eaten once it was allowed, as does anything with Oreos and fudge. It was a great day with Grammy Pam and Grandpa Neil celebrating with us.
In Black Diamond
The boys, boys, boys
Myles giving Rhett a kiss
Caramel and her gift to daddy with drawing
Rockets at the park

Roofing and Gardening

Anthony redid the roof on his shop in the backyard. Unfortunately is was done incorrectly and the mold was starting to show. It took almost 2 weeks to do, after work and on the weekend. When Anthony first started tearing off the old roof, there were millions of ants and on the other side there were lots of grubs. Finding lots of new nature in the backyard.
Finished roof!
Here is a picture of the wisteria in the backyard. I believe it was planted to go over this white sitting area and fence structure, but has taken over most of the yard to the left.
The purple blossoms were beautiful and scented when they came in. You could hear the bees buzzing in it and there were tons of ladybugs too.
Here is a tree covered in dead wisteria vines, I am trying to rescue but it seems impossible. I have raked out a lot of the wisteria and Myles has started to hit trees with rakes just like mommy.
Here is Myles, when we are outside I fill up the little pool and a big bucket of water for him to play in. He is always completely wet but the time we go inside. Loves to climb on the bucket with his hands and feet on the rim bum in the air then jump in.
Rhett wanted a picture take too. He doesn't look himself here, very teethy. Rhett will only get wet if warm enough weather calls for it. 

Tea Party

Caramel and Rhett having a little Tea Party.

This is Caramel's second set. The first one was given to her after Anthony and I visited Victoria, BC and purchased one there for her. After many tea parties in the backyard, all the pieces were broken. She kept all of the broken pieces until I finally threw the away. This new set is from Grandpa Neil and only comes out on special occasions. The menu at this party is water, chocolate chips, and marshmallows.

Caramel wanted it to be mom and her only, but Rhett squeezed his way on the guest list. Love how the photo makes it look like he was dragged into it.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Running Circles

Rhett's spring soccer season has ended. The team was one player different from the fall team. Green Stripers played soccer a lot better this season. Last season the games seemed long and lot of trying to focus and random kicking. This season the games went fast.

Rhett was entertaining this season. One time during a game Rhett just circled the ball and players, "running around like a little puppy" says Anthony. Another time he was suppose to kick the ball in play and missed, don't worry he quickly hit it with his hand to get things going. Rhett understands the game and rules, if he could have more desire to stay with the ball he would have more success. Be aggressive. With that Rhett is very indecisive like me, "sure" "fine" "maybe" all words Rhett and I use.
Last game
Little buddies

Thursday, June 12, 2014

"King of New York" tapping

Caramel had her tap recital on May 17th. She gets nervous now. Frequently, even before regular class, she will say her stomach hurts. Butterflies in the stomach. I get nervous easily. They tapped to a song from Newsies, "King of New York." (If you sing this song to Myles he will do some funny dance moves, looks like a monkey.) We watched the Disney version of Newsies. Caramel watched the whole movie, Rhett got disinterested.
Caramel enjoys dancing and being a little comedian entertaining her peers when she can.
At the rehearsal, Caramel wanted to stay and watch the other classes. Hip Hop was her favorite because of the song, "We Will Rock You." She wants to do Hip Hop next year. After rehearsal "the girls" (Caramel, Camellia, and I) went to Dairy Queen.
It was a good experience, costume not too itchy and didn't have tight bun hair.
Nice fake smile, do you really have to take a picture, face.

Camellia, Sally, or Baby

Growing so fast, she is a smiley baby like Rhett was.

Mother's Day at Snoqualmie Falls

Beautiful Snoqualmie Falls was packed for Mother's Day.
Loved being out in nature, even feeling a little sick, and torturing my kids with a hike.
At least they found some cool twig glasses and got Lunchables, best lunch ever to them.