Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Birthday and Rockets

We celebrated Anthony's birthday with eggs benedict and rockets. It was hard to decide what to do. We went to Black Diamond Café, their eggs benedict were rated high. By the time we got there, the kids wanted everything on the menu. They love breakfast food especially sausage. Peaches and blueberry muffins were enjoyed as well. A yummy place for breakfast and bakery too.

Once we got home the birthday boy took a nap. Anthony was given a note and the baby monitors on high volume, the rest of the family took a walk to the duck pond. After that we loaded up for rockets at Petrovisky Park. By the end we lost both rockets in the trees, so we played at the park until it was dinner time. We ended with Ezell's chicken and sides. The ice cream birthday cake was made 2 days earlier and was quickly eaten once it was allowed, as does anything with Oreos and fudge. It was a great day with Grammy Pam and Grandpa Neil celebrating with us.
In Black Diamond
The boys, boys, boys
Myles giving Rhett a kiss
Caramel and her gift to daddy with drawing
Rockets at the park

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