Monday, September 15, 2014

Tricycle and Jumperoo

Myles got a tricycle for his birthday. He loves it. If he sees it on the way to the van in the garage, he will suction cup himself to it. Currently loves the idea of a helmet too. So it became an inside and outside tricycle. He can fit his yellow blanket in the back trunk, super cute. Myles was the first kid to get a brand new tricycle. Other tricycles we have owned were garage sell purchases. So of course this brand new one broken on the second day. Seriously. Anthony fixed it, but we took it back. He has a Radio Flyer red one now that doesn't have the adult cruise control option. 
We are borrowing a Jumperoo for Camellia. She loves to jump now. Unfortunately all the other kids love to help her jump especially Myles. She is fun to watch. She is currently trying to crawl. She has a cautious reverse so far. As far as sitting, she lasts for a bit then will do a nose dive.

Rhett's First Day at Cross and Crown Preschool

Rhett was totally ready for preschool. He had no concerns or fears about going to preschool. Caramel and many of his older friends attended Cross and Crown preschool. Rhett has the same teacher, Mrs. McKinley as Caramel had. I am glad he can experience school before he starts full day Kindergarten, which is all the school district offers now, next year. I tried to get him to wear a nicer shirt with a collar, but those are "church shirts." If I ever try to put a collared shirt on Rhett, he will ask, "Are we going to church?" Rhett loves Mario games, so he really wanted to wear this Mario shirt. He is a shorts only boy currently. Almost all of his shorts are from his cousin Nixon. Rhett had new shoes for school he was waiting to wear (he did sneak one time in wearing them), but when the first day came he wanted to wear his old shoes.
Myles was super sad to leave the playground dropping off and picking up Rhett from school. Thank goodness for the drive thru drop off, I love it! Myles is sitting in Rhett's car seat. Myles loves to climb into the van first and claim Rhett's seat.
Myles had a very relaxing morning with siblings at school and baby asleep. I let him eat BBQ chips and lounge around the house. I mean at least he wore a collared shirt with no complaints. But honestly most hours of the days he is just in his diaper.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Animal Friends

We caught our first wild rabbit. Anthony set the trap cage up with a plate of vegetables and the motion detector next to it. The kids loved it. They thought it was the best thing ever. Daddy was "the best daddy ever." We only kept the rabbit for 24 hours. We let Hopper go and he hopped away super fast with his fluffy white tail. 
Here is a white caterpillar we found on a fern. It was super fuzzy looking with long white hairs. By the end of the day the caterpillar had eaten the fern in the jar and pooped all over the place. A very hungry caterpillar.
This habitat had two potato bugs in it with some bark and rose petals.

Nightly Projects

Anthony and I work on projects at night after the kids go to bed. Caramel loves to do nightly projects too. Usually her room is neat and tidy before bedtime. Once bedtime rolls around and Caramel goes to her room, she gets all her craft supplies out and starts creating. I would love for her to do this during the day, but this only happens from 8pm to 11pm at night. That is her creative time. Pictured is what she made for her brothers. Rhett's says "to sing" and Myles's says "to play." She also placed presents at the bedside for Anthony and I. Anthony got a soap box fashioned with tape to look like a trap, so Anthony could trap more animals. I got a cone megaphone with tape to put around my head so I could yell louder at the kids. Common needed supplies for Caramel crafts are decorative tapes, toilet paper rolls, and Irish Spring soap boxes (found in the bathroom garbage). A common note found by Caramel's door states, "Mom cum in my room. From (or Frum): Caramel."

Poor Myles

There is always, yes always, some kind of bruise or scratch on Myles's face. This huge bruise on his forehead happened when Myles was looking out the window at Rhett in the backyard. Myles turned and hit his head on the corner of the drywall, I believe. This is the second huge bump he on his head this summer. The other time, Caramel was digging with a metal digger toy at the park and let go, landing right on Myles's forehead. Also Myles has fallen out the window- sounds way worse. In the front room there are windows that go from the ceiling to the floor. You open the window at the floor level to about 3 feet high. The window was open and Rhett was pushing on the screen looking outside. Rhett got in trouble for not stopping, when I told him to not push on the window screen. Of course Myles walks over and pushes on the screen and it falls out on to the bark, Myles does a somersault out the window and has bark all over him. Maybe his vision needs correcting or maybe he needs his older siblings to go to school.

Front Teeth Caramel

Caramel's two front teeth and one bottom tooth were doing the wiggle dance, for forever, maybe a month. Finally after a night of wiggling and falling on a box, one front tooth came out. No reminders needed for the tooth to be placed under her pillow. The tooth fairy gave Caramel a total of 3 dollars: one dollar folded into a ring and one dollar folded into a heart holding a dollar coin. The other front tooth is super wiggle and will probably be missing soon. Brushing teeth and eating have not pleasant. Caramel requested non-crunchy food for tomorrow's school lunch.

2nd Grader at Fairwood Elementary

Caramel started school in August! which is crazy for Washington. Usually school starts after Labor Day holiday. Her first day was Thursday, August 28. We met Mr. McCauley, her 2nd grade teacher, and Caramel selected were she wanted to sit by placing her name tag on a desk. Caramel got a new Rainbow Dash, My Little Pony's backpack. I think Anthony was more excited about it than Caramel. It has a hood you can unzip and wear that has rainbow fleece hair. Caramel was way too embarrassed to wear it, but I think she really does like it. No complaints about school. Biggest conversation subject is how Caramel is mastering the monkey bars and trying to skip bars.  
After school the kids went for a ride, Rhett on the motorcycle and Caramel with Myles in the jeep. Still nice sunny weather in Renton, WA.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Green Lake

We only made it up to Green Lake once this summer. We met Grammy Pam for the evening. The wading pool is getting a little small for Caramel and Rhett, but they still enjoyed it. Caramel wanted to go swimming in Green Lake, she even tested the water, it was a perfect temperature she said. After swimming, we walked over to the park area as the weather cooled off for the evening.
Rhett having some fun.
Myles loved it, especially jumping and landing on his bottom.
Caramel and Myles
We did go swimming at Newcastle beach a couple times. Having the water and sand and friends to paly with made some great summer days. Grandpa Dan took Caramel and Rhett boating with another family, they loved that day as well.

10 Year Anniversary

We celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary at the Outlet Collection in Auburn buying clothes for the kids and Mt. Rainier. Mt. Rainier being the more exciting part.
Camellia came with us while Caramel, Rhett, and Myles stayed home with Grammy Pam and then to church with Grandpa Dan.
Anthony on a tree throne.
Fun tree shot by Anthony
A little frog friend Anthony found under the hood of his car. After driving for a bit the frog decided to join us inside the car by coming up through the vent. We had to pull over and relocate him.