Sunday, September 7, 2014

Nightly Projects

Anthony and I work on projects at night after the kids go to bed. Caramel loves to do nightly projects too. Usually her room is neat and tidy before bedtime. Once bedtime rolls around and Caramel goes to her room, she gets all her craft supplies out and starts creating. I would love for her to do this during the day, but this only happens from 8pm to 11pm at night. That is her creative time. Pictured is what she made for her brothers. Rhett's says "to sing" and Myles's says "to play." She also placed presents at the bedside for Anthony and I. Anthony got a soap box fashioned with tape to look like a trap, so Anthony could trap more animals. I got a cone megaphone with tape to put around my head so I could yell louder at the kids. Common needed supplies for Caramel crafts are decorative tapes, toilet paper rolls, and Irish Spring soap boxes (found in the bathroom garbage). A common note found by Caramel's door states, "Mom cum in my room. From (or Frum): Caramel."

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