Little Cami girl turned 1 year old on March 6th. Camellia proved she likes chocolate, so I made a cake and Caramel frosted it. It is tradition for the birthday person to have the whole cake presented to her/him. Camellia was very lady like eating slowly and carefully. She was nice enough to share, offering bites to siblings. In the end she really didn't eat much of the cake, but enjoyed the experience. Lots of little pink and purples clothes and a new pink sippy cup were her presents. We were lucky to have grandparents Brenda, Pam and Dan with us to celebrate.
Camellia is a smiley little girl. She loves to ride her Minnie airplane especially when Caramel pushes her around. When it is time for bed Camellia lays right down and sucks her left thumb, it is the only time she does it. Taking 2 to 3 steps then deciding to crawl is her normal routine. Camellia is getting thinner, she doesn't sit there and drink a whole or even half bottle of milk. She just takes a few sips and then is done. She enjoys oatmeal, granola bars and baby yogurt bites. She isn't a big eater and rejects a lot of food. Camellia loves bubble baths and the hiking backpack.
Camellia has her two top and bottom teeth and two more on top coming in.
You don't see the top ones often only when she smiles really big.
She enjoys dancing, waving, and saying mama and dada.