Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter Hunts

Every year we love to visit Great Grandma Wanda for an Easter egg hunt. Sadly, this year it was scheduled at the same time as Rhett's first soccer game, so only Caramel and Myles got to go. Myles did a great job being patient and waiting to gather eggs. He wasn't too scared of the Easter bunny his year. No crying, but no sitting on his lap. Caramel found a prize egg and was so happy to pick out a toy golf set just like Grandpa Neil. Lots of toys and candy!
We had an Easter egg hunt with Fairwood ward church members at our house. Rhett enjoyed filling the eggs with candy and spreading them out in the back yard. Only 1/3 of the eggs had candy in them. Most kids got 20 or more eggs. When I looked at Rhett's basket, there was 9 eggs. I asked him why he was so slow and he didn't know. It was because he only picked up eggs that had candy in them. After the egg hunt the kids made Resurrection Rolls with a story and scriptures about the resurrection of Christ.
The local community egg hunt we went to this year was at friends neighborhood in Carriage Wood. Lots of Fairwood ward church members attended. Anthony went go-carting with this friends. So I took Caramel, Rhett, and Myles. Camellia stayed home with Grandma Brenda. Caramel and Rhett hunted on there only in their age group. Myles and I had fun collecting eggs.
Myles didn't want to leave the fun neighborhood park with playground and trails through the trees. He was carried to the car. Here is a picture of Camellia in a new outfit from Auntie Charity.

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