Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Lots of projects going on in the backyard. Anthony building and me digging. Favorite thing about the backyard is Camellia in the trampoline. It always end in tears if all the kids are on the trampoline. But when it is just Camellia it is super fun to watch her walk around and do little jumps.
The wisteria is beautiful on the white arch. Everywhere else I am trying to get rid of it. So I am digging a lot.
We planted wildflowers.
The raspberries were covered with bees, it was crazy. We even had are first pick in early June. Crazy nice weather made them grow fast.
We have peas, lettuce, carrot, strawberries, and pumpkins growing too.
Anthony wants to finish up with the tree house ASAP.
The blueberries are growing nicely. I have caught Myles and Camellia picking the green blueberries. If they survive my kids, hopefully they will survive the birds and other animals.
I got a hydrangea for mother's day I planted by a back window. They are my favorite, hope it likes it there. 

Vacuum Entertainment

Having a vacuum the kids can operate easily is a must. Anthony got a new vacuum which is great for me, but not easy for the kids to use. Things get spilled and smashed on the carpet or floor constantly. Usually it is Myles, so it is a beautiful thing that I can plug in the vacuum and tell him to clean up. Caramel, I can just tell her to get the vacuum. I love saying, you have to vacuum before we can do whatever activity. Rhett and Myles vacuuming can get out of hand. Myles loves to attack Rhett with the hose after the job is complete. Rhett loves to let it vacuum up his shirt, then run away. So funny how much they laugh about it all.

Rhett Preschool Graduation

Rhett graduated from Cross and Crown Preschool. This is a picture of Mrs. McKinley, his teacher. Caramel had her too. Rhett has enjoyed preschool a lot. Especially his little buddy Mason, that unfortunately moved away. Rhett thought he would get to see Mason again on Mason's birthday. I had to explain that Texas is very far away. So now Rhett will ask, "Will I ever see Mason again?" Makes me sad, so I don't say no, but say Texas is far away.
Rhett enjoys singing and learning his preschool songs with Pastor Glen. The night of the graduation Rhett kept on blind and doing weird body movements. When Anthony asked him why he said it was because of the all the camera flashes. It was pretty hilarious to watch. I think he might have been a little tired.
Rhett is a great little learner. Enjoys receiving instruction and doing the work. When he took a test the preschool gives to let you know their kindergarten readiness, Mrs. McKinley said Rhett had the top score in his class. The credit goes to the massive workbook I bought from Costco and practicing letter sounds all the time. Caramel took the same test and it was interesting to see what ones they both got wrong. They both didn't know the name for tweezers, how to draw an infinity sign, and the colors grey and tan.