Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Favorite Clothing Items

Caramel and Rhett both have favorite clothes they love to wear.

For Caramel it is her Watch Me Whip Stromtrooper shirt, grey pants, auburn furry jacket, and black skater shoes. She wears this outfit very very often. Sometimes when these items are recently cleaned I will keep them in my room for a while. So she has to pick something different. Anthony and I have both taken her shopping specifically to buy new pants so she won't wear the grey ones as often. Those new pants which she promises she likes when purchased always go unworn. Only when I strictly tell her she can't wear them again, she will be completely upset go change.

Rhett has a Batman jacket. This jacket was a present from Christmas. The material ended up not being so great. Only after a couple washes the jacket looked very worn. Rhett loves the jacket and wears it everyday. I bought him a new jacket but still he prefers the Batman jacket. So then I bought him a new Batman jacket different brand and he still loves the worn looking one. Rhett does wear different t-shirts everyday but you would never know because the worn Batman jacket stays on all day, inside and outside, and even sometimes at bedtime. Rhett also has Captain America shoes he wears everyday except on Sunday for church. These shoes finally got a hole in the toe. So we went to buy new shoes. Rhett was super excited Payless had the same Captain America shoes one size bigger perfect for him. The had Batman shoes but he wanted the same exact shoes again. Funny little boy.

I do miss being able to pick out the clothes they wear. Myles and Camellia will reject clothes every now and then.

Toddler Outtings

Jumping in the stream at Seahurst
Camellia loves to push the swings
at Newcastle Beach
Seahurst Environmental Toddler Time
I am trying to get out more with Myles and Camellia during the morning especially since Spring is here. We went to Newcastle beach and played. At the end of the visit Myles was soaked from jumping in puddles. We also visited an environmental toddler playgroup at Seahurst park. Myles was more interested in playing outside at the beach then going inside a building. We listened to a water picture book then to cups with different water levels and the different sounds. Then played a little before going outside to throw rocks, look for shells, and jump in the water.

I started hosting a toddler playgroup at my house with fellow ward members and my neighbor on Mondays. I wanted to go to different parks close by but so far it has rained. So we have just played at my house. It has helped Myles to get to know his church teacher and classmates so he will feel comfortable in class. We did an Easter egg hunt last time which was fun.

We received a gift card for the Kidsquest Museum in Factoria so I purchased a year membership. All the kids enjoy going in the evening when it is open late. Myles and Camellia love to explore the museum in the morning when it isn't so crowded.
Myles ready for the egg hunt.
Ice cream by KidsQuest
Camellia saying cheese

Camellia at the library

Myles Falling Asleep

Myles is starting to out grow his naps. He didn't get a nap one day when we ate dinner at a friend's house. He was getting a little crazy so I let him watch my phone. Couples minutes later he was sleep like this.

2 year old Camellia

Camellia is 2 years old! She is entertaining. A little talker and yeller and demander. She is definitely the child to be held the most because a sibling or another baby I watch isn't around. Sometimes she is like my second head. When I yell to the kids something like "Everyone in the van" or "I'm in the kitchen" Camellia will yell it too. Now randomly she will yell, "I'm in the kitchen" when she hears siblings looking for me. She loves to tell other people to "be nice." Caramel probably gets that phrase from Camellia the most. But Camellia is comfortable enough to say it at teenagers giving her silly faces during sacrament.

Camellia had a princess birthday cake. The same kind Caramel had when she was 3, I had saved all the plastic pieces to it. I made the cake a couple days early and it had a lot of finger marks and touch ups. Camellia got to blow out her candles and she is very good at singing Happy Birthday. We have had a lot of practice with so blowing candles because her and Myles find it so fun.

Camellia got lots of fun dresses, Minnie Mouse items, alphabet learning toys, a purse, shoes, all a 2 year girl needs.

At the park Camellia loves to push the empty swings, loves taking short baths, eating cheese sticks, drinking milk constantly, going outside and pushing her Minnie Mouse airplane, stealing my phone from Myles when he is watching youtube, and opening and shutting doors. Camellia loves Myles' Paw Patrol blanket, she demands to be wrapped and held in it often. Her most enjoyed activity is chewing on paper. It is the weirdest thing. Nobody chews gum constantly or does anything like that except her. She will take toilet paper or paper towels and chew on them. Crazy girl.

Sneaky Ice Cream

I drove Anthony to the airport late one night with all the kids. Everyone fell asleep but Caramel so we got ice cream going through the drive through. Very sneaky.