Wednesday, September 27, 2017

State Fair in Puyallup

 The kids have a new schedule this year with every Wednesday early release at 1:25pm. We decided to travel to the fair with Grandma Brenda. The kids got two free admissions from school.

First ride was the carousel. Fun for all. Then we saw the animals. We got to dress up like Vikings and milk a fake cow. 

Caramel was not thrilled to ride the kiddie rides. One ride they all enjoyed was the slide. They rode down the big slide on a bag many times. It was hard having the height range, but Grandma Brenda took two older and I stayed in the kiddie ride area. 

Rhett, Myles, and Camellia got a blow up hammers from a game. Caramel wanted to do the big roller coaster rides but didn't have a person tall enough to go with her. Rhett tried one of the real carnival games and was shock how hard it was to knock over a bottle that looked so easy. Myles wanted to go on the haunted rides. He went on the first one then decided never mind on the second one when it was our turn. It was dark and we were tired and hungry by the end. I got lost too trying to find the entrance we came it. So ready to go by the time we figured the right way out. 

Monday, September 25, 2017

Morning Patrol

Morning patrol! Caramel signed up for morning patrol. Next year I will highly suggest afternoon patrol. She loves hanging with her girlfriend. So far she has lucked out with the weather. We always wave and enjoy waving to other classmates of Caramel's.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Vancouver BC

We went to Vancouver BC for our 13th anniversary. We went about a month later then our actual anniversary. I picked the location and events. We went to Capilano Suspension Bridge. It was an adventurous place with the lots of different bridges. 

We also went to Mount Grouse. There are lots of fun activities.

Anthony talked me into zip lining. I wasn't too exciting about it. I kept thinking about the Tower of Terror ride and how my stomach didn't feel to great. The zip lining didn't give me that horrible stomach feeling so it wasn't so bad. We met a fun couple, they were on their honeymoon. 
We got to see some bears, but missed the lumber jack show. We did get to talk to some Germans politics.

Little chocolate milks!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Baby Possums

Our friends found a hurt baby squirrel and luckily a lady at church overheard them talking about the squirrel- she helps wild animals recover. So she came over to pick up the squirrel and brought some baby possums with her. Cute when they are small.

Myles and Good Behavior

So Myles had some rough days at school. Looking back I totally blame it on Captain Underpants movie and David Goes to School book. Sometimes it is hard to know what is appropriate when everyone finds it funny. During music class Myles mooned the class. I am pretty sure he got the idea from the David book. Myles would show me how he can pick his nose like David. Myles loves those David books. He looked at the one at school and then we checked one out at the library. After some discussions Myles is back to having good behavior at school.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Myles 1st Day of Preschool

Myles was ready for school! Mrs. Alsept is his teacher again this year. He will be attending 5 days a week for 2 and a half hours. Last year he went for 3 days a week. The Kent School District increased their school day by 30 minutes and have all Wednesdays as early release. I am glad Myles gets another year of preschool for only 2.5 hours and with 9 other kids. The two Kindergarten classes have 24 and 26 kids in the class at Fairwood with a lot of kids that don't speck English. He still takes a nap every now and then after school.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Last Pool Day

Caramel invited two friends from school for the last day at the pool. The pool on Labor day for the season. The kids enjoyed the lovely weather before the fall weather comes.