Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 2018! Caramel made pancakes for breakfast. She was going to make a brownie dessert of some sort but over cooked it. After church and a nap, we drove to Alki beach. Myles and Cami played in the water. Rhett and Caramel played in the sand. Anthony bought me lots and lots of chocolate. Rhett made me a cute vase from school. 

Primary took these pictures and passed them out on Mother's Day. All four kids got up and sang the song below for sacrament meeting at church. 

  1. Mother, I love you; mother, I do.
    Father in Heaven has sent me to you.
    When I am near you, I love to hear you
    Singing so softly that you love me too.
  2.  Mother, I love you; mother, I do.
    I want to help you because I love you.
    I want to mind you; I want to find you
    Happy and smiling because I love you.
    Mother, I love you; I love you, I do.

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