Friday, March 20, 2020

First Week No School

Second tooth out, March 13
With no school or sports, Leo the gecko is getting lots of field trips out of his cage. Rhett has been dreaming about Leo a ton too. He talks in his sleep and thinks he has lost him in this bed. I was double check the cage then tell Rhett he is in the cage. Couple times I have even pretended to put him in to calm Rhett down.
Doing a little science looking at frogs then watch a video on frog vs toad. And looked at Caramel's frog dissection presentation from her science teacher. 

Fun edible slime from Grammy for St. Patty's day.

Our new school schedule while at home. 

Cami doing story problems from Mrs. Wray. It is pretty cute to hear Cami make up story problems with the picture given.
Myles making his own Captain Underpants book from reading time. 

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