Monday, December 17, 2012

Yearly Family Pictures

Normally, I try to get family pictures in October but it finally happened at the beginning of December. It gets harder every year to get everyone smiling. We have some good fake smiles though. At least there were no tears. Also the whole what to wear is hard to.....I know all these first world problems.....what to wear. Usually I look in the closest and think "oh, this is nice, wait, that is what we wore last year." I didn't purchase anything new for this picture. Caramel and I are wearing matching tank tops I bought during the summer. And the boys are wearing shirts and ties from Aunt Charity's gifts to Myles. Myles is in size 12 MONTHS! When I put a tie on him I feel like I am choking his chubby neck. He kept sliding off the chair. We tried to get a picture of the 3 kids together but Caramel holding Myles wasn't working. With our family the first picture is always the best.

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