Wednesday, January 30, 2013

6 Months Myles

Myles is nice and chubby but isn't too much above average size.
He got a ton of shots which wasn't fun.
Caramel and Rhett witnessed all the shots and crying, no one was happy.
Myles can start eating baby food now. I have given him oatmeal cereal a couple times. The cereal gets everywhere and he barely eats any of it, it will be hard to be motivated to feed him food. Giving him small shavings from a banana is what I like to do.
Comment Myles always gets is about his dark straight eyebrows.
They are hard to miss.

2 feet 2.75 inches (54%)
18 pounds 10 ounces (69%)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Myles- Discovering New Tricks

 I was trying to do something on the computer and Myles thought he would try out my face. Myles also enjoys putting his fingers in my hair then tasting. You can see here that Myles has my nose.

Myles is trying to crawl. Less than a month ago he would just roll from back to stomach and be done. Now he rolling everywhere. He does these great push ups on hands and toes. Sometimes the bottom is extra high and he wiggles back and forth. He is probably the strongest in the family. Caramel and Rhett never did this position and hold. Myles is great at backing into corners and getting stuck. He always has red cheeks and drool. His feet are so small compared to his huge chubby legs, belly, and arms. Rhett always wants to do Chunky Monkey to his face.

Extended Family Christmas Activities

We were lucky enough hang out with Anthony's parents and siblings before Christmas.
 Like father like son.
Anthony's dad flew in for the weekend before Christmas.
Sister/Aunt Charity was here before and after Christmas
Looks like Myles is giving a little wave to the camera.
Everyone in Seattle after eating at Spaghetti Factory (were Anthony and I had our first date) and the Carousel but before "Riding the Ducks"
Me and the kids (Nice gum Caramel)
Charity and Caramel

Heart Hats, New Old Car, Popsicles, and Salud

Caramel made some heart hats one Saturday while Anthony and Rhett had a road trip. She loves making Myles fabulous (said like Rarity from "My Little Pony"). She got these decorative tapes for Christmas and loves using them! After the success of the one hat, a collect of hats were made. She did make a Rhett size guitar man that was later revealed as Anthony. He hangs next to my night stand serenading me at night. 
1988 Madza 323 GTX
Anthony drove to IDAHO! to pick up this gem taking my dad and Rhett with him. Anthony's new daily driver as an ugly twin in the backyard also known as a parts car. Never a dull moment with cars coming and going at the "Cozy Cone" Kranz house.
 Later that day we made homemade popsicles! Yes, it is freezing weather here, but it was a fun Christmas gift. We made berry popsicles, very delicious. Thank you, Aunt Andrea.
Myles is sporting a Christmas gift from Aunt Charity. Had to hold the hands down to get the graphic in. Cute little shirt!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Monster Truck Show

Anthony took Rhett to a Monster Truck show at the Tacoma Dome. It looked pretty amazing. He has the two Grave Digger trucks like the show had. It was loud but he loved it. He loves lining up regular cars and monster trucks then letting the show begin.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Rhett is 3 years old!

Rhett is 3! I planned on not giving a friends' birthday party. Caramel and Rhett had different plans. As soon as his birthday was talked about Caramel and Rhett started planning and telling me what would be happening at this party with all of Rhett's friends. Rhett knows a lot of friends around his age. So when I realized that this party was happening- I had to limit the invites to 10 kids so it wouldn't be too crazy.

Rhett loves "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts. He calls it the "Mac" song because it is the song playing when Mac drives Lightening McQueen. We heard it on the radio once and Rhett was like, "it is the Mac song." Took us a little while figure this out. His second favorite song would be "Real Gone" by Sheryl Crow; opening song to "Cars" when McQueen is getting ready to race. So those were the two songs I had playing on repeat for his birthday and during a color balloon game.
We looked at car and truck books until everyone showed then got Monster truck name tags and introduced everyone to each other. Each kid picked a monster truck to race and color a picture. We played 3 games then had cake and a snack and opened presents. Finally the kids got to just play and they all played very well together for the last 20 minutes.

Rhett went to a friend's birthday in the fall. And decide he wanted the same cake. I was able to borrow the pan. I wasn't able to get the frosting red until I went back to the store and got more red food coloring. I frosted the cake during the day, had red hands and crazy kids demanding frosting. I love frosting cakes during the night when all kids are fast asleep. Decided not to do black but brown tires and outlining for better taste and no black mouths and hands.

Rhett has some cute friends, glad they could celebrate with us!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Utah! Snow and Cousins

After Christmas, my dad drove the kids and I down to Utah for a few days. I was super paranoid about driving down in the winter through the mountains with snow and ice. Being in an accident because of ice does not help you think positively. We made it there and back safe, but saw some cars that had trouble. Thankfully not for us! I was not very helpful in the driving area. I don't drive in the snow, for my own and others safety.I tried a new pacifier with Myles and he liked it, so that was a huge plus for the 16 hour drive down.

Caramel was super excited to go and see cousins. Although we totally got sick with coughing constantly and chapped faces, it was worth seeing everyone. I did go a little crazy in the end because of lack of sleep- someone was up like every hour coughing. The kids got to play in the snow! Caramel loved it and went sledding. Rhett played once in the backyard and was done with the snow experience.

Olivia and Caramel- played in the snowed filled backyard a couple times.
Oldest cousin Elan
Rhett not loving the snow. I can't see! White snow is bright.
Ashton (about 6 months younger than Caramel)
Lyla (Rhett's age- had the same love for snow as Rhett)
Roxy- oldest girl cousin
Olivia (Caramel's age)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Breakfast in Bed New Year

Well, we were big party people this year and were totally asleep when the New Year ticked on the clock. We have just had sickness around since Christmas. Caramel decided to get me breakfast in bed out of no where. I think Anthony has given my breakfast in bed before but I can hardly remember. She used my new "I love you, Mommy" mini mug I received from her for Christmas. Myles also napped from 9am to almost 1pm. It was a great New Year's day.

Anthony received this awesome Champion Dad pen from Caramel. The pen has a flag that you can pull out that says Champion Dad. It is pretty awesome. Caramel did some great shopping at Holiday Shop during school.