Monday, January 14, 2013

Utah! Snow and Cousins

After Christmas, my dad drove the kids and I down to Utah for a few days. I was super paranoid about driving down in the winter through the mountains with snow and ice. Being in an accident because of ice does not help you think positively. We made it there and back safe, but saw some cars that had trouble. Thankfully not for us! I was not very helpful in the driving area. I don't drive in the snow, for my own and others safety.I tried a new pacifier with Myles and he liked it, so that was a huge plus for the 16 hour drive down.

Caramel was super excited to go and see cousins. Although we totally got sick with coughing constantly and chapped faces, it was worth seeing everyone. I did go a little crazy in the end because of lack of sleep- someone was up like every hour coughing. The kids got to play in the snow! Caramel loved it and went sledding. Rhett played once in the backyard and was done with the snow experience.

Olivia and Caramel- played in the snowed filled backyard a couple times.
Oldest cousin Elan
Rhett not loving the snow. I can't see! White snow is bright.
Ashton (about 6 months younger than Caramel)
Lyla (Rhett's age- had the same love for snow as Rhett)
Roxy- oldest girl cousin
Olivia (Caramel's age)

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