Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Messy Myles

So usually when I had to feed one baby actual food there was another baby around too. With Caramel there was Nicole and with Rhett there was Mitchel. Myles is not getting any of the highchair time like the other kids. It is hard for me to find the time to make baby food and I am too cheap to buy it. When I did finally buy some cereal puffs, Caramel and Rhett won't stop eating them! When I feed him, it is a huge gross mess with many spoons to keep him occupied. Usually he gets bananas and carrots because they are the easiest.
Myles is entering my favorite stage of life. From crawling to just after walking is my favorite, 6 months to 18 months. Myles is so fun and cute. I just want to tickle him all day. Love squeezing his chubby legs, he just laughs. He loves hiding his lips. He also makes this funny humming/singing sound normally when you talk to him.
Myles will crawl in the normal fashion but will start bear crawling sometimes. I think he is trying to stand up when he does that. It is so cute with his diaper nice and high in the air. March 26 is the first day Myles pulled up to standing on a kitchen chair. It was awesome.
A picture with a friend that came over to play. Yes, having friends at 7 months old is very important.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Monster Mutt

Monster Mutt at Lowe's! Rhett and Anthony went to a Build and Grow class at Lowe's and Rhett got to build this awesome Monster Mutt. These classes are early Saturday mornings. This class was free and full. Rhett loves Monster Mutt! What an awesome class, this is what he looked like when he returned. You get goggles and an apron too! Band aids are from previous events. Anthony said Rhett did a good job hammering in the nails. It was a nice wooden truck. So Fun!

Bike Riding

Enjoying the outdoors! Caramel and I have been bike riding up a storm lately. Once the weather was warm and dry enough we dusted off the bikes and started pedaling. I was excited to use my bike again not being pregnant. The first ride of the season, we went around the block and Caramel just wanted to ride in the street which I get nervous about. Going down to Cedar River trail is the best because it is nice and flat. The first ride down on the trail we even biked to a friend’s house and rode around a huge parking lot. Another afternoon we drove down to the trail and both boys fell asleep, so Caramel rode in the parking lot and on the trail were I could see her. It is nice to have an activity for Caramel; she can have control, freedom with the wind blowing on her helmet, and get some outdoor exercise. She loves Jazz, but after school athletics was a first and last experience sadly and so is T-ball too, she is telling me. Some tricks I have seen her practice are: riding with her eyes closed (she found this super amusing), standing while riding, and fast pedaling with horn honking. Caramel does get concerned that people will think she is a boy with her blue helmet. I have to reminder her she has a pink bike and is usually wearing pink or purple with long hair so she doesn’t look like a boy. Last ride Caramel led us down to Liberty Park for a short swing then back to van. Caramel does find it interesting once she is riding next to walking people to stay at their pace usually I have to ride ahead to get things moving again. Rhett has wanted to go too but he wants to push his truck. He needs to grow another inch so this bike we already have will fit him. Caramel is requesting Daddy bike rides now too because it is always Mommy’s turn.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Grey Period

Took this picture and realized I dressed the kids in grey. So this is the grey period of my life when I was always dressing the kids in grey. Having three kids now, I do love it when we all match. Does not happen too often. I was never opposed to coloring coordinating the kids clothes before, but it makes me smile when they are. This is my favorite outfit for Myles right now- probably because the pacifier matches too.

Caramel- nothing itchy, scratchy, or too beautiful. No big dresses and no jeans.

Rhett- starting to oppose jeans if he is in that kind of mood. Mainly likes shirt and underwear.

Myles- try to change his clothes as he twists and turns grabbing for whatever he can. Once you get a hold of the clothes he will smile and laugh especially raising his arm high or touching his back or feet.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Brother Bath Time

Rhett and Myles having fun in the tub. So glad Myles can sit now. Love not using the baby bath just takes up so much space. When he out grew the bath sink I was really sad. Rhett is teaching Myles about the important things in life - princesses first then cars. Yes it is great to be brothers to an older sister.