Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bike Riding

Enjoying the outdoors! Caramel and I have been bike riding up a storm lately. Once the weather was warm and dry enough we dusted off the bikes and started pedaling. I was excited to use my bike again not being pregnant. The first ride of the season, we went around the block and Caramel just wanted to ride in the street which I get nervous about. Going down to Cedar River trail is the best because it is nice and flat. The first ride down on the trail we even biked to a friend’s house and rode around a huge parking lot. Another afternoon we drove down to the trail and both boys fell asleep, so Caramel rode in the parking lot and on the trail were I could see her. It is nice to have an activity for Caramel; she can have control, freedom with the wind blowing on her helmet, and get some outdoor exercise. She loves Jazz, but after school athletics was a first and last experience sadly and so is T-ball too, she is telling me. Some tricks I have seen her practice are: riding with her eyes closed (she found this super amusing), standing while riding, and fast pedaling with horn honking. Caramel does get concerned that people will think she is a boy with her blue helmet. I have to reminder her she has a pink bike and is usually wearing pink or purple with long hair so she doesn’t look like a boy. Last ride Caramel led us down to Liberty Park for a short swing then back to van. Caramel does find it interesting once she is riding next to walking people to stay at their pace usually I have to ride ahead to get things moving again. Rhett has wanted to go too but he wants to push his truck. He needs to grow another inch so this bike we already have will fit him. Caramel is requesting Daddy bike rides now too because it is always Mommy’s turn.

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