Thursday, December 17, 2015

Santa Visit

Santa picture, yes we did that this year. I think we take one every other year. It is pictures like this one that make me think the $24 wasn't worth it. Last year, I tried to take a picture of the kids in their Christmas jammies for the yearly photo. It turned out worse then this.
This was actually a big deal for me. I never go places that are not routine with all the kids- all by myself. The girls had cute outfits, so I wanted to go before school vacation started. Anthony's  work schedule was super busy, so I had to go by myself it I wanted it done. The line for the Factoria Mall Santa was short, but took forever. The kids were good waiting, playing by a restaurant and watching a barber shop. I didn't bring anything to entertain them.  
Camellia cries when you hand her to anyone so that wasn't a big surprise. Myles didn't want to be placed next to Santa but at least stopped complaining quickly. Rhett was helpful and ready to smile no matter what. Caramel, a true smile, only because of Camellia's reaction. Caramel assumed Santa's beard was going to be fake.
Yes, promised ice cream was delivered at the end of all this.

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