Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkins and Grandpa Neil

Grandpa Neil came up for his pumpkin hunting visit. The kids were super excited. Caramel kept getting worried it would get canceled because we didn't do it immediately. Caramel and Rhett went with daddy to pick up Grandpa Neil at the airport. Myles didn't wake up for the morning until Grandpa was here and greeted everyone with a smile from his burrito folded blanket. Grandpa Neil always spoils that kiddos with gifts. Rhett McQueen got an awesome Lightening McQueen Halloween card.

Lucky for us the weather was wonderful. No huge mud puddles this year. The kids were super excited to go to the pumpkin patch and Remlinger's Farm. At Remlinger's Farm, we enjoyed their freshly made doughnuts, petting the farm animals, rides, hay jumping, train ride, pony ride and sitting on trackers. The kids always love feeding the animals but get reluctant when it happens. Snack of the day was caramel popcorn. I had never seen the parking lot so full at Remlinger's Farm with birthday and private parties going on.
Off we go!
Myles is ready to g!

Snow White looking good.

Silly kids.

Relaxing at the local park

Everyone playing at Myles's playground.
At the pumpkin patch they kids loved roaming through the field. Rhett kept tripping on the vines, "I tripped again," he would say looking down at the ground. Caramel was discouraged with all the pumpkin choices and declared, "this is useless," meaning she was never going to find the perfect pumpkin (so dramatic that girl). Myles enjoyed the wheelbarrow ride in his car seat.

Grandpa Neil picked out a pumpkin that looked good for a skeleton head carving. Anthony selected a huge pumpkin we could barely put in the wheelbarrow. Caramel and I picked out medium sized ones. Caramel has already decorated her pumpkin with permanent marker designs. Rhett selected a little hand sized pumpkin and Myles got one that size as well.

We ended with a tractor ride eating caramel popcorn.

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