It is weird how the kids will pick out random books at the library that relate to real life situations. (Right before I was due to have Rhett, Caramel kept picking out books at the library about about becoming a big brother/sister which I thought has totally weird.) After going to the library Rhett came home with the book Rock'n'Roll Mole then the delivery man dropped off the mole traps. Yes, kids this music loving mole is the creature that is driving daddy crazy and wants to kill. We have had tons of dirt mounds from a mole this year. Three different areas in the backyard the mole likes to bring out his dirt. We have had several mud pies made from the kids because of all the extra dirt piled around. Here is a picture of the trap and one of large mound. Since the traps have been placed there hasn't been any activity, the weather has turned cooler.....only time will tell.
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