Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fun in the Sun

The sun decided to shine, and we have been outside as much as possible. Even had some swim suit action happen with the awesome sprinkler Grandma Brenda bought. Hopefully, it last the summer season. Kids enjoyed the fact you can aim the little hoses and squirt each other. You can even see the nice new garden boxes Anthony build for the garden to grow. Myles enjoyed the sun too in his cute hat and dinosaur land that is safe from mud and grass tasting.
Headed to Coulon Gene Park with friends on another sunny day. Played on park playgroup, tested the water, and had a milkshake with fries, what a great day! Caramel also had her first sleepover at the house. Caramel and Cassidy saw a Middle School play Charlotte's Web then settled down went to sleep nice and easy. The girls did have an early wake up time at 6am, but that was the worst part so it went great. Rhett is trying to plan a sleepover with his friend now, silly goose.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Myles Pictures

One with Myles and his blue blanket. Just his cute little head poking out and eyebrows full of expression. Loves to chew on those lips.

Profile picture with is pointy little nose, chubby cheeks and chin, and hiding lower lip.
Up close and personal with Mister no lips.
Full body of this little man and sticking out the tongue.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Got the Moves

Rhett enjoyed Caramel's Popstar birthday. Made a microphone just like the girls. He busted out some moves and singing with shades on.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Popstar Party

Almost 6 years old! Caramel had a Popstar themed girl birthday party. We had a super rainy Spring Break to get ready for it. Caramel invited 6 girls to a Friday night party. We started with dinner, spaghetti and meatballs with strawberries and bananas, a Caramel favorite. Next they turned into popstars with sunglasses, star belts, decorated microphones, and star necklaces. Then the girls watched Princess and the Popstar (a Barbie movie). (As a parent Barbie movies are rather hard to watch but this one at least had a catchy song.) The girls really got into singing along, standing up with microphones whenever there was singing. It was pretty cute. Ending the party with cupcakes in ice cream cones making them look like microphones and opening presents. Caramel got a lot of craft gifts which she loves doing. Everyone had a great time even Rhett wanting to make a microphone just like the girls.
Caramel and I got to eat at Red Robin with her free birthday kid’s meal coupon. When Caramel sees the kid’s menu she usually always wants to order two main dishes. She got spaghetti and French fries with an Oreo shake. Caramel had to test taste my chicken sandwich and limeade drink as well. Lucky for me none of the kids like limeade drinks. She opted out of having the servers sing to her. Telling me she is a little bit shy. She got another free birthday kid’s meal from Taco Time in the mail, after that she was wondering where the one from McDonald’s was which I found amusing.

On the back of the kid's menu at Red Robin there was - If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? questionnaire here are Caramel's answers.
   I would go to - Dinsland (Disneyland)
   I would get there on a - plane
   I'd go with - Dade (Daddy)
   Wearing - swisuot (swimsuit)
   With my pet - dog
   And I'd send postcards home to - kusin (cousins)

Mauerman April Visit

Cousin Time! Caramel loves to talk about her long lost cousins that do not live close. The Mauerman family came up for their Spring Break. Wish the drive from Washington to Utah wasn't so long with mountains. Caramel and Rhett loved having cousins around. The first day here they all helped me match eggs together from the Ward Easter egg hung. A more exciting activity was traveling to Snoqualmie Falls. I had not been there in a while. In fact it might have been when Anthony and I first met in 2002 was the last time, I was at the viewing area. The hike down to the bottom of the falls is under construction. The new area at the top is super nice with landscaping and informative poster boards. The stairs even have descriptive -ing words about the fall. The spray from the fall was everywhere it felt like it was raining.
We also ventured to Woodinville and passed by the house I grew up in. It was weird seeing how trees had grown and houses had change. Driving through Carnation and Duvall there is always something new and different. Even pasted two Ixtapa Restaurants that my family ate at a lot.
The girls played Just Dance Disney which was super cute to watch. The girls knew how to shake it to those Disney Channel show songs. It was great seeing my mother and sister with her family.


Easter Events

Saturday before Easter started with Anthony taking Caramel and Rhett to Great Grandma Wanda’s (GM) community Easter activity in Issaquah. They had a pancake breakfast, saw the Easter bunny, and hunted for eggs. Caramel got lots of eggs and even won a prize Princess Magnet board. Rhett only got two eggs because after each egg he had to go back to GM and show her the egg. Meeting the Easter bunny Caramel didn’t want to say hi to him just like when she was 4 years old and saw the Easter bunny for the first time with Grammy. Rhett however liked the Easter bunny and sat right on his lap.
In the afternoon, they met up with me at Tiffany Park where Myles and I had hid around 1500 eggs for a Primary activity. It was a perfect sunny day. Caramel and Rhett got lots of eggs and Myles got to hang out with GM. Anthony brought some kites and the kids flew them for a while.
Easter Sunday the kids got to find 15 eggs each pink and purple or green and blue. They got to finally eat a chocolate egg from a field trip to Beohm’s chocolate factory we took earlier in the year. It was real egg decorated and hollowed out to be filled with chocolate truffle goodness. They also got some books I purchased at Caramel’s school book fair.

Swinging Myles

This is Myles' trap in the back yard. Yes, we have had a couple days warm enough to do this. He enjoys it for awhile and siblings love to swing him with me constantly reminding them to give little pushes and no twisting. Myles enjoys exploring the grass when he does get out and explore.

Recently, I have taken down part of a stone wall in the back yard. Trying to finish the project is impossible with the down poor of rain. It has been super muddy. Thankfully the kids and I have rain boots! Caramel got this beautiful butterfly face painting at the grocery store for free when waiting with daddy for tires to get rotated.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ice Cream Sandwich Cake

Here is Caramel presenting this extremely good Ice Cream Sandwich Cake. It has Oreos, hot fudge, chocolate pudding, and whip cream as well. She was in a wonderful mood while constructing this cake like any normal person would be. I made a bigger version with all white whipped cream for a church event- Women at the Well, I was one of the narrators. The dessert never made it to the event so we had this twice! It was really good. Oreos, hot fudge, and ice cream are the best ingredients. If we always had these ingredients in the house the kids and I would be fat and happy daily.