The sun decided to shine, and we have been outside as much as possible. Even had some swim suit action happen with the awesome sprinkler Grandma Brenda bought. Hopefully, it last the summer season. Kids enjoyed the fact you can aim the little hoses and squirt each other. You can even see the nice new garden boxes Anthony build for the garden to grow. Myles enjoyed the sun too in his cute hat and dinosaur land that is safe from mud and grass tasting.
Headed to Coulon Gene Park with friends on another sunny day. Played on park playgroup, tested the water, and had a milkshake with fries, what a great day! Caramel also had her first sleepover at the house. Caramel and Cassidy saw a Middle School play Charlotte's Web then settled down went to sleep nice and easy. The girls did have an early wake up time at 6am, but that was the worst part so it went great. Rhett is trying to plan a sleepover with his friend now, silly goose.