Sunday, April 14, 2013

Easter Events

Saturday before Easter started with Anthony taking Caramel and Rhett to Great Grandma Wanda’s (GM) community Easter activity in Issaquah. They had a pancake breakfast, saw the Easter bunny, and hunted for eggs. Caramel got lots of eggs and even won a prize Princess Magnet board. Rhett only got two eggs because after each egg he had to go back to GM and show her the egg. Meeting the Easter bunny Caramel didn’t want to say hi to him just like when she was 4 years old and saw the Easter bunny for the first time with Grammy. Rhett however liked the Easter bunny and sat right on his lap.
In the afternoon, they met up with me at Tiffany Park where Myles and I had hid around 1500 eggs for a Primary activity. It was a perfect sunny day. Caramel and Rhett got lots of eggs and Myles got to hang out with GM. Anthony brought some kites and the kids flew them for a while.
Easter Sunday the kids got to find 15 eggs each pink and purple or green and blue. They got to finally eat a chocolate egg from a field trip to Beohm’s chocolate factory we took earlier in the year. It was real egg decorated and hollowed out to be filled with chocolate truffle goodness. They also got some books I purchased at Caramel’s school book fair.

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