Sunday, April 14, 2013

Popstar Party

Almost 6 years old! Caramel had a Popstar themed girl birthday party. We had a super rainy Spring Break to get ready for it. Caramel invited 6 girls to a Friday night party. We started with dinner, spaghetti and meatballs with strawberries and bananas, a Caramel favorite. Next they turned into popstars with sunglasses, star belts, decorated microphones, and star necklaces. Then the girls watched Princess and the Popstar (a Barbie movie). (As a parent Barbie movies are rather hard to watch but this one at least had a catchy song.) The girls really got into singing along, standing up with microphones whenever there was singing. It was pretty cute. Ending the party with cupcakes in ice cream cones making them look like microphones and opening presents. Caramel got a lot of craft gifts which she loves doing. Everyone had a great time even Rhett wanting to make a microphone just like the girls.
Caramel and I got to eat at Red Robin with her free birthday kid’s meal coupon. When Caramel sees the kid’s menu she usually always wants to order two main dishes. She got spaghetti and French fries with an Oreo shake. Caramel had to test taste my chicken sandwich and limeade drink as well. Lucky for me none of the kids like limeade drinks. She opted out of having the servers sing to her. Telling me she is a little bit shy. She got another free birthday kid’s meal from Taco Time in the mail, after that she was wondering where the one from McDonald’s was which I found amusing.

On the back of the kid's menu at Red Robin there was - If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? questionnaire here are Caramel's answers.
   I would go to - Dinsland (Disneyland)
   I would get there on a - plane
   I'd go with - Dade (Daddy)
   Wearing - swisuot (swimsuit)
   With my pet - dog
   And I'd send postcards home to - kusin (cousins)

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