Sunday, June 23, 2013

Last Days of Kindergarten - Caramel

Caramel is done with Kindergarten! I think she will miss the nice and short school day Kindergarten provided. 8:30am to 11:15am is a lot different than 8:30am to 3:10pm for next year in first grade. Returning from school or from any play date, the normal question is always, "What did you do while I was gone." I totally remember asking this question when I was young. I would be so frustrated if I missed out on any awesome like pizza dinner :)

Field Trip!
I was a chaperone for a field trip to Seahurst Beach,
a beach the Kranz family has visited frequently.
First thing Caramel said when she woke up was,
"Do I get to ride the bus today?"
Yes, riding the bus on the freeway down the speed bump hill to the beach was thrilling.
With low tide and the sun shinning it was a great field trip. Fun to see Caramel with school friends and reaffirm my belief- she likes to entertain when there is an audience.
Caramel had two other girls in her group
 and I even had a chaperone buddy with two boys in her group.   
Most exciting object to locate on the beach was Mrs. Twiss, her teacher.
When they spotted her it was a straight run for group hugs.
There was a school spirit week with the first day being crazy hair day. Caramel didn't want anything that involved extra combing or tightness. So headband with curling ribbons is what we came up with.
Another super fun school day was Field Day. Weather was nice and overcast for running around all morning. Basically the field is covered with games that each class rotates through every 10 minutes. There is also a popsicle station for a little break. I volunteered to help and was placed at the hockey goal station. It fun and entertaining seeing the skill level. I didn't even to hit with a hockey stick once unlike one parent volunteer. Myles was on my back most of the time until the end when a friend snagged him. Rhett was running around with another mom and 3 boys his age. At the end of the day there was a tug-a-war with 3rd to 5th graders. Great energy filled day at school.
Mrs. Twiss and Caramel on the last day for school.

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