Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ida Mae Bankhead's Funeral

Anthony and I were able to take a short trip to Utah and be at my grandmother's funeral.
It was a wonderful service with talks from family and former Bishop. I learned that two of my grandma's favorite songs were "You are My Sunshine" and "When There's Love at Home."
When we pulled into South Ogden for the funeral it was snowing. The funeral was at the same building my mother grew up in just a couple streets away from Grandma Mae's house. Also at the gravesite in Logan in was snowing.
Heard some great stories about my mother and siblings from her brother Craig. The fear of animals and any kind of weather storm comes from Grandma Mae. Grandma Mae raised 4 wonderful kids as a single parent and has always been giving to all family members in need. She was able to work her way to City Treasurer and loved her job. Whenever I visited Grandma Mae in the summer, I remember Tony's pizza, playing the heat around the yard with cousins, having Bluebird chocolates, visiting church buildings, and watching Miss Amercia (now I know why).
My mom, Brenda and my siblings, Chanel, Desiree, Enjoli, Dan, and me.
Siblings and spouse minus one, Brain

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cousins From the Miller Family

So sad I didn't have a real camera only my phone, so this is the best picture I could get. Caramel and Rhett were excited to meet some extended family. Sitting with Great Grandma Wanda Miller are our kids and Anthony's Uncle John's grandkids- Joe's two kids on right and Ashley's two kids on left. Caramel had a great time running around with Faith, also in 1st grade. GM was a great host with dinner. Kids had fun, lucky nothing broke.

When Caramel was explaining these cousins to my dad, Grandpa Dan, she describe them as secret cousins, because she didn't really know about them and Grandpa Dan didn't know who she was talking about. Caramel can't always be trusted with her "stories" so my dad didn't think they really existed. Well, here is the picture to prove it. Hopefully we will get to see them more often.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

What We Cry About

Caramel- grooming and "puffy" clothing.

Mainly the hair. Combing hair and washing hair. In the morning, when I comb her hair there is usually crying or more accurately whining about it. I give her time to comb her own then I get to check and it is my turn. Normally she decides not to take the opportunity to comb her own hair. There are promises for combed hair and she even goes into the bathroom only to return with no combing done and wet hear.

There is also crying about wearing "puffy" jackets. Wanting to be reasonable, I sold her old jacket she claimed was too puffy. Then we went shopping until she found a jacket that was acceptable. Still when time comes to wear the jacket there is hiding and high complaints of puffiness. But she has to wear it. Always after school, the jacket is stuffed in the backpack and she is carrying her lunch bag and school work.

Rhett- being 3 years old and disapproval.

Being the youngest of his friends, Rhett has cried about only being 3 years old. One of his friends is turning 5 and with discussion of that things got really sad. Other friends that are 4 talk about their 5th birthday. Rhett is very concerned that he is only 3 and sometimes says he will turn 5 on his birthday and be like his friends. Sometimes he measures himself with his hand and counts 4 units, concluding that he is 4. When children get sang to at church for their birthday and get candy, Rhett is also very sad and says it is his birthday next. In our family he is the next birthday. But he knows it isn't until after Christmas. Poor young Rhett.

If Rhett in trouble or if anyone is mad at him, he is immediately sad. Rhett does not like being in trouble. If you tell him to go to his room until he is ready to say sorry, he is already crying begging for forgiveness. If I give Rhett a mad or disapproval looking face, he will get sadly concerned. Rhett is a tender little boy that just wants to be loved by everyone.

Myles- climbing and food.

Wanting to climb on everything especially the kitchen table has made getting things done difficult. When I do the dishes, he loves to climb in the dish washer. When we are in the toy room, he loves to climb on Caramel's desk and reach supplies on the shelf. He almost got me with the stapler after he threw it. So when furniture is moved to prevent climbing he cries about it.

If anyone has food they better be ready to share. Myles will climb or reach and pull quickly to get any food looking item. If he doesn't succeed at the first attempt there is crying. The funniest/grossest thing he does when eating is spit out all the food he is currently eating to eat another piece of food he decides is more desirable.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Great Grandma Mae

Ida Mae Griffin Bankhead

June 9, 1929 - October 31, 2013

Ida Mae Griffin Bankhead passed away peacefully in her sleep on October 31, 2013 surrounded by her family. She was born to Spencer Granville Griffin and Ida Redford Cooper on June 9, 1929 in Newton, Utah. She was raised in Providence. She graduated from South Cache High School and LDS Seminary in Hyrum. She was married in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Logan Temple on January 9, 1950 to Leo Spence Bankhead, later divorced.

She has enjoyed serving her church, family, friends and community. She has held many leadership and teaching callings. She served three consecutive LDS Missons at the Church Office Building. In this capacity she had the opportunity to meet many visitors from the States and from all around the world.  She worked at the Mountain State Telephone Company in Logan, Utah and the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in St. Louis, Missouri. She worked for the City of South Ogden for 25 year as the City Treasurer retiring from this position in 1994.

After retiring she enjoyed being able to travel and visit her family. Some of her fondest memories were also made spending time with her “Club” friends, she so missed meeting with them each month. She was a member and President of the Municipal Treasurer Association and served as President Director of the Miss South Ogden Scholarship Pageant. She graduated twice from the Institute of Religion at Weber State College.

She is survived by her children, Brenda Kidd, Eagle Mountain; Randy (Jeri), Draper; Craig (Marmie), Syracuse; and David (Darolyn) South Jordan; along with 16 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren with three more expected soon; and sister, Janet (Avon) Pulsipher. She was preceded in death by her parenst, sister Elizabeth Wood and brothers, Spencer Dee Griffin and David J. Griffin.

Her children and grandchildren are grateful for the example she set of courage and dedication through adversity. She set the bar high for herself and achieved her goal. She will be greatly missed by them all and they look forward to the day when they will be reunited with her. You are our Sunshine! Funeral services will be held on Saturday, November 16, 2013 at 11 a.m. at the South Ogden 5th Ward, 4380 Orchard Ave. Friends may visit with family on Saturday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the church. Services entrusted to Lindquist’s Ogden Mortuary.

She will be laid to rest in the Providence City Cemetery next to her parents.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Family Pictures

We had our annual family pictures.
This year I decided to go with a jacket theme.
Boys in Puma and girls in Adidas.
Anthony and I already had jackets,
so I purchased some jackets for the kids.

Halloween and Pumpkins

Halloween morning Rhett had a playgroup at the church with friends. It was a good group of friends. They mainly rode around on bikes and scooters. We did play some monster bowling, bean bag ghost capturing, haunted house sticker decorating, and yes, eating donuts off of string again.

So for Halloween night we trick or treated at a friend's neighborhood. There were 3 families with 3 kids and an almost married couple Anthony kept harassing. It was great weather for Halloween. We trick or treated for an hour then the kids watched Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin. Myles did a great job staying up with the big kids. He had a ride most of the night on Anthony's back. Before we left Myles had lots of fun attacking his family with glow sticks.

When we arrived home of course the bowl with a sign of "Please take one" was empty. We got the kids to bed and then I finally finished craving my pumpkin. While I was craving, sadly, we heard the rest of the pumpkins get smashed by teenagers. The cops were quick to follow as was Anthony. The street was littered with smashed pumpkins. Don't think they caused anymore trouble as the cops talked to them at the park. The kids were sad and learned the evilness of teenagers. Caramel and Rhett did a good job of cleaning up some of the pumpkin off the road the next day.
Dad's family pumpkin, Rhett's Frank pumpkin, and Caramel's Ariel pumpkin
Grandpa Neil's pumpkin craved by Mom

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween Costumes and Parties

Costumes for Halloween
Anthony and Cachet- Pirates or Crayons
Caramel- Skeleton
(same as last year but pink- she likes the skeleton look)
Rhett- Pirate
Myles- Skeleton indoors or Pumpkin outdoors

We decorated for Halloween as soon as possible and by the time Halloween night actually came I felt like it took forever. There were 3 parties the weekend before Halloween that felt like one too many.
First was Caramel's elementary school party. Only Caramel and I went to this party. The boys were going to follow, if Myles wasn't ready for bed too early and Rhett felt too sad. But they ended up staying at home visiting with friends. I was on food help passing out pizza. Caramel just roamed. It was a first for her to just roam a party with no close parental supervision. Sometimes I got a little paranoid, but she was good on checking back with me every now and than. I think she enjoyed the freedom.
Next party was a church Halloween party. We invited two cute girls from the neighborhood to go with us. This time the whole family went dressed up. We enjoyed playing different Halloween themed games in rooms then eating and getting a treat bag.
Final party of the weekend was also a goodbye party for a family that has moved. Kids ran around in costume and had yummy treats. I helped with a donuts on strings eating game. After that we had to go. Myles was so tired and way pass bedtime. Sundays are the hardest for poor Myles with church schedule.
Myles dancing to Barbie's favorite beats.
Fun Halloween masks

Here is a spider that invaded the house for a day. It was huge and ugly. I couldn't let it stay. I mean it is huge and ugly. I don't mind huge and ugly things outside in the front yard. But this thing was right in the living room being huge and ugly. All four of the kids were pretty sad to see it go.